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SEAMARTIN metal fishing reels, Monarch, Acmil, Neptune tackle by Bernard (Bernie) Ladd..


Antique Vintage Fishing Reels and Angling Memorabilia.

A comprehensive factual information reference guide, unique and indelibly linked to the spirit of passionate collectors.  
ReeLpedia ® Presented to you by Bernie Ladd, Melbourne Australia.

This reeLpedia segment on Australian vintage fishing reels describes metal SEAMARTIN fishing reel models made in Australia.

The reels described are Seamartin MONARCH model versions 1, 2 and 3. Seamartin mark 2 F & T MOULDINGS (An Acmil company). Seamartin Mark 2 NEPTUNE Tackle produced model.


Monarch Die-cast Housing SEAMARTIN Fishing Reel.    
Maker Wally Bambit, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia:
The SEAMARTIN Surf Reel was invented by Cliff Martin during the 1950s, for surf fishing on Victoria's Ninety Mile Beach.
Over a period of years, the Seamartin was developed to provide a superior reel for both beach and rock fishing and has since been accepted and used for competition casting in Australia.

Wally Bambit of Oakleigh News Agency, Traralgon, Victoria, purchased the patent rights from Cliff Martin in 1971. The reel was re-designed for mass production. The body of the reel was changed to die-cast, and the names "SEAMARTIN and MONARCH" were embedded into a new design nylon spool. The name "MONARCH"  was also embedded into the new design die-cast chrome-plated drag knob. The pinion shaft previously Stainless Steel was changed to Brass. The line retrieve hook previously made from 316 grade Stainless Steel was now made from Chrome-Plated Mild Steel. It appears that the initial model was maroon, brown or green-maroon in colour.  During further model improvements, the Monarch reel appeared in those initial colours, as well as other colour options.

First production: Seamartin Monarch Model 1.

Wally Bambit, a local businessman from Traralgon, and a proprietor of the local News Agency, performed a complete make-over of Cliff Martin's famous Cedar Surf Casting Reel. It is not clear whether Bambit had an engineering background. It is apparent, however, that his make-over of the Monarch is largely esthetic rather than functional in nature. The first Monarch production version, referenced here as Model 1, came with pressure-injected die-cast body (housing); a spool made of a nylon-type material; and a line retrieve hook made of drawn chrome-plated mild steel. A die-cast drag knob is also chrome plated. Interestingly the Nylon type spool proved to be problematic as it was prone to distortion under load. Bambit's engineering prowess comes further into question when he appears to treat chrome plating in the initial model on the same par as 316 Grade Stainless Steel. The 316 Grade Stainless Steel retrieve hook on Cliff Martin's models, was prone to grooving caused by line abrasion. Bambit's efforts to address this anomaly by including chrome-plated rather than 316-grade stainless Steel had been even more problematic because chrome-plating is not suitable for saltwater fishing activities. The Cedar Seamartin lighter style Model 4 crank handle remained, and so did the bronze type Pinion. The original Cedar Seamartin bronze main gear was changed to die cast. The aesthetic appearance of the new Monarch was appealing, unfortunately as indicated, some technical modifications were not satisfactory. (Ladd, B: 2004)

Die-cast main gear; bronze pinion; bronze (bearing) bushes; brass pinion shaft; spool alarm set; pressure die-cast body; and (housing) multiple clutch; chrome-plated line retrieve hook. Colours: maroon, brown, olive-green, green and maroon, or flat black.

1-Seamartin Monarch fishing reel First model
3-Seamartin Monarch fishing reel First model Specfications
2-Seamartin Monarch fishing reel First model
SEAMARTIN MONARCH vintage Surf Casting Fishing reel
SEAMARTIN MONARCH vintage Surf Casting Fishing reel

Above 6 images depicting the Maroon colour Seamartin Monarch model 1. (Right hand wind)

4-Seamartin Monarch fishing reel  Box

Seamartin MONARCH original box.

4-Seamartin Monarch specification sheet

Seamartin Monarch schematic, specification user guide leaflet.

4-Seamartin Monarch internal gearing

Seamartin Monarch 

exposed gear housing.

Seamartin Monarch Model 2.

It became clear to Wally Bambit, that his chrome-plated mild steel line retrieve hook, incorporated on the first production models, was a mistake. The choice to use chrome-plated mild steel, instead of the 316 Grade Stainless Steel was indeed a failure. This model 2, referenced here, was produced with a new design 316 Grade Stainless Steel hook retrieve, that was originally used by Cliff Martin on his wooden Seamartin reels. It is well accepted in the metallurgic field that hard-chrome (as opposed to chrome-plating) also known as industrial chrome or engineered chrome, reduces friction, and improves durability through its tolerance to abrasion and general resistance to the elements and use. Bambit should have used this procedure instead of chrome-plating, as an alternative means to protect the line retrieve hook against line abrasion and wear grooving. Whilst this option would be better than chrome plating, 316-grade Stainless Steel, as used by Cliff Martin, remains the most suitable material for fishing reel design. The Monarch struggled for general acceptance from the engineering-minded fishermen, and Bambit's design, not surprisingly, faced a slim chance of marketplace survival.

Die-cast main gear, bronze pinion; bronze (bearing) bushes; brass pinion shaft; spool alarm set; pressure die-cast body (housing) multiple clutch; 316-grade stainless steel line retrieve hook.

Seamartin Monarch improved model with Box
2-Seamartin model 2 vintage fishing reel
3-Seamartin model 2 vintage fishing reel
4-Seamartin Monarch specification sheet

Above 5 images depicting the Brown colour Seamartin Monarch model 2 (Right hand wind)

Seamartin Monarch specifications, schematic guide.

 Seamartin Monarch model 2 vintage fishing reel with Box
Seamartin Monarch vintage fishing reel improved model
3-Seamartin Monarch brown internal mechanism

Above 6 images depicting the Brown colour Seamartin Monarch with Box model 2 in Mint condition. (Right hand wind)

Six images below, showing problematic Seamartin Monarch faults that led to the lack of retail market acceptance and Monarch's final demise.

1-Seamartin Monarch pinion shaft.
2-Seamartin Monarch fishing reel Drum (Spool)
3-Seamartin Monarch fishing reel crank handle

Seamartin Monarch Model 3.
Some time during 1975, MONARCH was produced with another further improvement, referenced here as model 3, the pinion shaft previously brass and prone to shearing under load was changed to 316 Grade Stainless Steel, the nylon spool,  prone to breakage and distortion under load was again left unmodified! The pinion shaft improvement proved fruitless, as most  fishermen rejected the Monarch and with the sudden passing of Wally Bambit, Oakleigh Agencies not able to survive, sold to F & T Mouldings (An Acmil company) in 1976.
Die-cast main gear, bronze pinion; bronze (bearing) bushes; 316 Grade Stainless Steel pinion shaft; spool alarm set; pressure die-cast body (housing) multiple clutch; 316 Stainless Steel line retrieve hook.

1-Seamartin Monarch version 3 fishing reel Black body -Specifications
2-Seamartin Monarch version 3 fishing reel

A mint example improved model MONARCH. Left hand wind by special order. Extremely rare.

3-Seamartin Monarch version 3 fishing reel Black body
Seamartin Monarch version 3 fishing reel

SEAMARTIN MONARCH Drum face; Die cast metal drag knob embossed Monarch.


The New Improved ACMIL SEAMARTIN Mark 2  -c.1976.

Manufactured by Acmil Mouldings ( F & T ) Huntingdale, Victoria, Australia.


After the closure of the SEAMARTIN MONARCH production factory in Traralgon, Victoria, SEAMARTIN was taken over by F & T Mouldings, an ACMIL Company based at 17 Franklyn Street, Huntingdale, Victoria, Australia. The body of the new improved SEAMARTIN Mark 2 produced in the late 1970s,  is beautifully finished in hammer-tone blue and exyplast enamel baked at 300'C.  This improved model came also with a spool that was specifically designed and moulded from an engineering plastic, referred to as a Thermosetting Polyester [Valox 310).  The Mark 2 came with an improved oscillator top bearing guide, and interestingly, the retrieve hook for the first time was not only manufactured from 316 Grade Stainless Steel but also hard-chromed.


Most external metal fittings are 316 Grade Stainless Steel (except for the retrieve hook being hard-chromed). The line retrieve hook is guided by a nylon bearing to eliminate wear and the need for lubrication in the Nylon 66 oscillator guide support. The Stainless Steel acorn crank-handle nut now has a lock-plate.  The other features also include a pressure die-cast body (housing); main gear made from die-cast alloy; bronze-type pinion; bronze-type bearing bushing; and left or right-hand wind operation options.

Colours: Light blue hammer-tone and Royal blue hammer-tone.

1-ACMIL SEAMARTIN fishing reel specifications
3-Seamartin Acmil fishing reel
2-ACMIL SEAMARTIN fishing reel specfications

F & T Mouldings (Acmil)  Seamartin Mk 2, Royal Blue hammertone colour.

1-Seamartin Acmil  Light Blue reel

Seamartin Mk 2 Light Blue hammertone finish

1-Seamartin Acmil L H wind vintage fishing reel

F & T Mouldings (Acmil) Seamartin Mk 2 Left Hand Wind model.

4-Seamartin Acmil fishing reel Decals

 Made in Australia by Acmil Mouldings Decal;

Made in Australia by F & T Mouldings Decal.

2-Seamartin Acmil fishing reel  Box

Seamartin Mk 2 Surf Reel  Box. Manufactured by Visy, Melbourne.

1-Seamartin fishing reel Acmil Brochure.j

Seamartin Mk 2 Surf fishing  reel schematic, specification user guide leaflet.

2- Seamartin fishing reel Acmil Mouldings model
2-Seamartin Acmil Mk2 fishing reel Drum, Spool

Seamartin Mk 2 new design, Valox 310 Plastic spool by Acmil.

Neptune Tackle Mark 2 SEAMARTIN Fishing Reel.

Maker C &  J Coates Pty. Ltd., Alberton, Adelaide, Australia -c. 1980.


Neptune Tackle Company was founded by John and Carlene Coates on 14 March 1972, in an old building located at 47 Sussex Street, Alberton, Adelaide. In the early 1980s, Neptune Tackle took over the production of  Seamartin Surf Reel from Acmil Mouldings Pty Ltd. The Seamartin remained identical mechanically; the Acmil decal however was changed to a new name: "Neptune Tackle Made in AUSTRALIA".


In 1986, John and Carlene's two sons Darren and Robin joined the family business. As production increased the Coats progressed with the idea of building an impressive factory, which was to include a sophisticated showroom and a modern office complex, all situated in the Central Port Adelaide. They finished the building of this new manufacturing facility in 1997. The Seamartin production continued until 2006 when the company decided to no longer manufacture the iconic Australian reel design of the famous inventor Cliff Martin.


Plastic-type spool-drum width 2 & 1/16''; diameter 4 & 1/2''; pressure die-cast body (housing) die-cast main gear, bronze type pinion; bronze type bearing bushing; 316 Grade Stainless Steel pinion shaft; Stainless Steel crank arm; plastic type handle knob; weight 886 grams. Color finish Royal Blue; Black; and Hammer-tone Silver-Black. Produced with the left or right-hand model options (other specifications and materials are as the Acmil Seamartin).

Seamartin Neptune Tackel made fishing reel with Box
3-Seamartin Neptune Tackle Black fishing reel
Seamartin Neptune Tackle fishing reel

Early Neptune Tackle Black Seamartin Mark 2 Surf fishing reel.

2-Seamartin Neptune Tackle Black fishing reel
1-Seamartin Neptune fishing reel  Box.

Seamartin Neptune

Tackle Box.

Seamartin Neptune Tackle fishing reel specfication guide

Seamartin Neptune Tackle

specfication guide.

1- Seamarin Mark 2 by Neptune Tacke Royal Blue model
Seamarin Mark 2 by Neptune Tacke Royal Blue model
3-Seamarin Mark 2 by Neptune Tacke Royal Blue model

Early Neptune Tackle Royal Blue Seamartin Mark 2 Surf fishing reel.

1-Seamartin Neptune Tackle silver-black fishing reel
2-Seamartin Neptune Tackle silver-black fishing reel
3-Seamartin Neptune Tackle silver-black fishing reel
1-Seamartin fishing reel Neptune Tackle

Later Neptune Tackle  production  Black-Silver Hammer-tone Seamartin Mark 2 Surf fishing reel.

Seamartin Neptune Tackle  clicker variation

Seamartin Neptune

Tackle early and later drum clicker variation.

3-Seamartin Neptune Tackle Surf reel  decal

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Neptune Tackle made in Australia decal fitted to all Seamartin Neptune fishing reel models.

SEAMARTIN vintage fishing reels information available at: reeLpedia® R A page 11. Copyright © 2009-2025 All Rights Reserved

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