SAMSON, Game Fishing reel information, page 67, by Bernie Ladd.
Old Fishing Reels, Australian Vintage Fishing reels,Cast way, Forresta, Miles reels Page 67.
SAMSON, game fishing reel reference information reeLpedia ® by Bernie Ladd, 16/4/2017.
The earliest known SAMSON game reel advertisement, as documented by Bob Dunn (1994; p.61) dates back to 1937. The advert, published in the October Issue of Angling and Gun Sport magazine, informs of the seven models being available for purchase, two of which are depicted pictorially within the ad. It is more than probable that the early production of SAMSON models commenced in the early 1930s. It is accepted, anecdotally, that there were 13 different reel models produced in total. To this day, however, there is no conclusive evidence about the maker of the Australian-made SAMSON fishing reels, but interestingly Dunn, made a supposition that a Sydney-based reel maker, Leo Willis “"probably made" the SAMSON Game reels” (Dunn, 1994; p.61).
Furthermore, a bakelite and brass Nottingham direct wind reel, which does not appear to be referenced in any existing documentation or available literature, features the SAMSON brand, and from its features, it seems aesthetically belong to the 1930s era of reel production in Australia.
Specifications SAMSON vintage multiplying game fishing reel wide drum model, referenced in this segment, comprises:
* End plate diameter measuring 6 1/2 inches and manufactured of aluminium alloy;
* Drum (spool) also of aluminium alloy, width measuring 5 1/2";
* Carbon steel drum spindle, mounted on ball bearings;
* Manganese bronze gears engage a hardened steel pinion gear (ratio 2 : 1); variable check;
* Crank-handle is of cast bronze;
* Cast bronze non-reversing star drag wheel for smooth heavy-duty triple clutch control;
* Rod saddle of cast bronze, stamped (branded) underneath “SAMSON Model 3 Guaranteed”;
* The bulbous tapered handle-knob crafted of ebony wood;
* Weight of reel 8.2 lbs.
All metal components nickel plated in order to make the reel impervious to salt water and galvanic corrosion. Interestingly, as a rule, nickel plating is not an efficacious method of preventing salt water and/or galvanic corrosion. It seems that the nickel-plating was done more for aesthetic reasons rather than durability and longevity of function.

Samson Modle No. 3 Multiplying Game reel -c 1930. Diameter 6 1/2"; Aluminium alloy construction; non-reversing star drag wheel; dual drum ball bearings; ebony wood handle-knobs; harness lugs; optional check.

Angling and Gun Sport October, 1937, SAMSON advertisement.

Samson Modle 1 single action narrow drum (spool) Game reel -c 1930. Aluminium alloy constuction; diameter 6 1/2''' drum (spool width 3 3/8'' non reversing star drag wheel; dual drum ball bearings; ebony wood handle-knobs; harness lugs; optional check.
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