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Australian Collectable Antique Vintage Fishing Reels, History and Reference Information.

The Graeme Fishing Reel. A comprehensive factual information reference guide, unique and indelibly linked to the spirit of passionate collectors.ReeLpedia®™ Presented to you by Bernard (Bernie) Ladd, Melbourne Australia, 2021.  ReeLman's rare reels. ReeLman Australia®™.

GRAEME Revolving Drum Multiplying fishing reel designed and produced by Ken Bennett of Bennett Engineering. Manly NSW.

  Ken Bennett, 1913 -1992, was a keen angler around the waters of Sydney. He began making fishing reels out the back of his Pittwater Rd flat in Manly and in 1945 moved his modest operation to the Manly Fuel supply building in Golf Pde, which he rented until the owners decided to sell the property to Bennett for 1800 pounds and The Graeme reel had found a home. He acquired a loan, bought the premises, and started selling wood and coal to make enough money to pay for the manufacture of the reels.

When The Graeme reel became popular, Bennett built what was to become its manufacturing site for many years - a factory in Pittwater Rd, North Manly (now a cleaning products business). In the late 1940s through the ’50s and into the ’60s, The Graeme reel stood as an advanced piece of fishing machinery. 'Everyone was making side casters at that time'.

The Graeme was one of the first overhead casting reels, with a level wind (which lays the line on the spool (drum) when winding in).
Bennett hosted casting tournaments in North Manly over the Manly Lagoon during the 1950s. He would travel to the north coast of NSW beach, testing his equipment. Bennett was able to make his hobby pay, Ken Bennett loved fishing and this was a reward to be cherished using his creation, a reel ahead of its time.


The Graeme reel masterfully manufactured by the late Ken Bennett has been known for its high tolerance and durability its high capacity for long-distance casting and high suitability for beach and rock fishing. Despite that the Graeme Reel could be considered as the Rolls Royce of fishing reels, Bennett could not continue its production once the market for the fishing industry was flooded with Japanese and Chinese fishing items products. Bennett in his disappointment decided to go directly to the retailers and sell all his stock so that he could divert his attention to general engineering. (Ladd, B; 2021)

Ken Bennett the Graeme reel make with a catch of Jew fish caughr with his Graeme fishing r
1- Graeme vintage fishing reel, Bennett Engineering Factory
1-Graeme vintage fishing reel maker Ken Bennett picture
1-Graeme fishing reel Bennett Engineering new factory photo
2-GRAEME Fishing reel 1957 magazine ad
1-GRAEME vintage fishing lures, Bennett engineering, Australia
10-Graeme fishing spinning lures 1957 magazine ad

  Bob Dunn in his well-known Australian Fishing Reels Book (1994), describes Ken Bennett’s attempts to use the Surfmaster Brand for his own newly created reel. He was unable to do this and had to find an alternative branding name. Dunn states: “…he decided on the name Graeme after his son. Bennett was a qualified toolmaker and a keen angler who had worked his way up to supervisor with the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation before starting his own business at Manly in Sydney.


His first reel, the GRAEME SENIOR, was produced in 1946, inspired by the American Pfleuger NORKA. It featured a level wind - the first Australian reel to do so - which met with only limited success. Many anglers, not liking the mobility of the level wind during casting, removed the mechanism altogether to maximise casting distance.  An optional star drag was added in 1949” (Dunn, 1994; p. 45).  Dunn further confirmed that during that year Bennett developed the GRAEME TAKEAPART model, in which the star drag was optional. Later Bennet also produced the TAKEAPART SUPERIOR model with an expanded line capacity. On Page 48 of his book, Dunn states: “The second important development in Australian multipliers in the late 1940s was the manufacture of the first bait caster. Here Ken Bennett led the way with the GRAEME JUNIOR. Described almost 30 years later by Vic McCristal as a reel ahead of its time, it was, like its big brother the SENIOR, the first Australian multiplier to feature a level wind. Lacking a free spool mechanism, it must have been difficult to cast the lighter lures, which is probably why Bennett promoted the JUNIOR more as a lightweight surf or boat reel rather than a bait caster”(Dunn, 1994; p. 48). According to Dunn, the SENIOR became the SUPREME in 1952, and it featured a counter-balanced torpedo handle; and a light duralium spool, with spool bosses to eliminate the problem of distortion from tightly wound nylon line. Dunn emphasises further that Bennett trusted the quality of his duralium spools. In an advertisement, Bennett is seen standing on his 191/2 stone frame spool to demonstrate its strength (Dunn; 1994, p47). Dunn writes: “That other ‘bogey’ of the multiplying reel - backlash - provided more opportunity in 1954 for Ken Bennett’s flamboyant advertising when he introduced the SUPREME 200 with its ant-backlash dial regulator, although patented by Bennett in 1954, was later challenged by American reel maker Pfleuger, and Bennett was forced to pay a royalty on its use. The regulator offered a substantial improvement on the previously available mechanisms in that it avoided any contact with the line, operating instead as a mechanical ‘thumb’ by applying tension on the end of the spool. The addition of quick-take apart screws and a stationary level wind in 1956 accompanied the arrival of the SUPREME 200A and 300A” (Dunn, 1994; p.46).“Next came the DOLPHIN series. First introduced in 1954 as a heavy-duty light game reel, it offered all the usual GRAEME features of star drag, anti-backlash, free spool, plus heavy 2.5:1 gearing, harness lugs, and increased line capacity.


Later, in 1958, the DOLPHIN 400A and 500A series incorporated a new starless drag which met with only mixed success.” Dunn writes: “The rivalry between Ken Bennett and Bob Conagan (Surfmaster maker) was ongoing and fairly intense, as one particular incident, recalled by Bennett before his death, serves to illustrate. In 1957 Bennett heard that Conagan had a falling out with one of the major sporting goods wholesalers, Grimleys. Bennett promptly made up a SURFMASTER lookalike with black end plates coupled with a unique and very striking gold anodised spool. He branded it SPORTSMASTER after the Grimley's own house brand. When Bennett took his prototype in to show the Grimleys executives they were so impressed that they immediately ordered 500“ (Dunn, 1994; p.47).


Below is a compilation displaying 26 different Graeme fishing reels with detailed images and specifications including three different  Big Game Reel models, produced by Bennett Engineering Pty Ltd.


1-Vintage Graeme fishing reel, early line guide model
2-Vintage Graeme fishing reel, early line guide model
3-Vintage Graeme fishing reel, early line guide model
1-GRAEME fishing reel 1949 advertisement

   Graeme early Free Spool Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW. Nickle plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; floating level line wind; twin brown erinoid handles; bearings and gearing of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio 4 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 1/4''; nickel-plated brass drum (spool) width 1 3/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme engraved on the back plate, Bennett Engineering Manly stamped on the front plate (crank handle side) Weight 400 grams - c.1940s. Very hard to find in original working order!

THE GRAEME Hexagonal saddle (foot) mounting pillars ( G 2)

2-Graeme Senior vintage fishing reel
1-Graeme Senior vintage fishing reel
3-Graeme Senior vintage fishing reel

 Graeme early Free Spool Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW. Nickle plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; floating level line wind; twin green erinoid handles; bearings and gearing of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio 3 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 1/4''; nickel-plated brass drum (spool) width 1 3/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme engraved on the back plate, Bennett Engineering Manly stamped on the front plate (crank handle side) Weight 400 grams - c.1940s. Scarce model to find in original working order!

THE GRAEME  Early Star Drag model  (G 3)

1-Graeme vintage star drag level line; white handles model
2-Graeme vintage star drag level line; white handles model
3-Graeme vintage star drag level line; white handles model

   Graeme early Free Spool Non-reversing Star drag revolving drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW. Nickle plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; floating level line wind; twin white erinoid handles; bearings and gearing of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  4 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 1/4''; nickel-plated brass drum (spool) width 1 3/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme engraved on the back plate, Bennett Engineering Manly stamped on the front plate (crank handle side) Weight 456 grams - c.1940s. Very hard model to find in its original working order.

THE GRAEME early Anti-Backlash Dial Regulator; Level Line Wind model  (G 4)

1-GRAEME Level Line; Drum brake model vintage fishing reel
2-GRAEME Level Line; Drum brake model vintage fishing reel
1-Vintage fishing reel, The Graeme, internal mechanism
1-Graeme vintage fishing reel Anti-Backlash guide

Anti-Backlash Leaflet.

  Graeme early Free Spool Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Nickle plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; floating level line wind; Anti-backlash dial regulator; twin white erinoid handles; bearings and gearing of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  4 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 1/4''; nickel-plated brass drum (spool) width 1 3/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme engraved on the back plate, Bennett Engineering Manly stamped on the front plate (crank handle side) Weight 436 grams - c.1940s. Very hard model to find in its original working order.

THE GRAEME new design pressed back plate  (G 5)

New design pressed back plate
1-GRAEME Star drag level line model
3-GRAEME Star drag level line model

  Graeme  Free Spool Non-reversing Star Drag Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome-plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; floating level line wind;  pressed back plate design;  twin brown erinoid handles; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  4 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 1/4''; duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 3/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on the back plate.

The Graeme is engraved on the front plate, and Bennett Engineering Manly is stamped on the front plate (crank handle side) Weight 438 grams - c. the 1950s. Scarce model to find in original working order.


1-GRAEME Supreme "200" vintage fishing reel with original Box
2-GRAEME Supreme "200" vintage fishing reel with original Box
3-GRAEME Supreme "200" vintage fishing reel made in Australia
4-GRAEME Supreme "200" vintage fishing reel original Box
1-GRAEME vintage fishing reel models Booklet
2-GRAEME vintage fishing reels Booklet

 Graeme Supreme 200 Free Spool  Non-reversing Star Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; floating level line wind; Anti-backlash dial regulator; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio 3 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 3/8''; duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 3/4"; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Supreme is engraved on the back plate, 200 stamped on the back. PAT 20928 / 53  PENG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 460 grams - c. the 1950s. Scarce model to find in complete working order with original box.


1-Graeme Dolphin vintage fishing reel box
1- The Graeme  Dolphin 300 vintage fishing reel
2-The Graeme  Dolphin 300 vintage fishing reel

 Graeme Dolphin 300 Free Spool Non-reversing Star Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; floating level line wind; Anti-backlash dial regulator; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  4 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 1/4''; duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 3/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on the back plate. The Graeme Dolphin is engraved on back plate, 300 stamped on back. 3 1/2 To 1 Ratio and PAT 20928 / 53  PENG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 438 grams - c. the 1950s. Hard model to find in its original working order.


1-Graeme Dolphin 400 A vintage fishing reel with Box
2-Graeme Dolphin 400 A vintage fishing reel made in Australia
3-Graeme Dolphin 400 A vintage fishing reel internal mechanism
4-Graeme Dolphin 400 A vintage fishing reel Box

 Graeme Dolphin 400 A Free Spool "Starless" Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome-plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; Anti-backlash dial regulator; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 15/16''; body width 3'';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 1/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Dolphin is engraved on back plate, 400 A stamped on back. 2 1/2 To 1 Ratio, and PAT 20928 / 53  PENG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 496 grams - c. the 1950s. Scarce model to find in complete working order with original box.

THE GRAEME DOLPHIN 400 Quick take a part   (G 9)

1-Graeme Dolphin 400 vintage overhead fishing reel
2-Graeme Dolphin 400 vintage overhead fishing reel
3-Graeme Dolphin 400 vintage overhead fishing reel made in Australia
4-Graeme Dolphin 400 vintage overhead fishing reel internal mechanism

 Graeme Dolphin 400 Free Spool Non-reversing Star Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome-plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; Anti-backlash dial regulator; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 15/16''; body width 3'';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 1/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Dolphin is engraved on back plate, 400  stamped on back. 2 1/2 To 1 Ratio, and PAT 20928 / 53  PENG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 496 grams - c. the 1950s. Scarce model to find in complete working order with original box.

THE GRAEME DOLPHIN 400 Thumb-finger support post   (G 10)

1-GRAEME Dolphin 400 vintage fishing reel
4-GRAEME Dolphin 400 vintage fishing reel internal mechanism
2-GRAEME Dolphin 400 vintage fishing reel
3-GRAEME Dolphin 400 vintage fishing reel

 Graeme Dolphin 400 Free Spool Non-reversing Star Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; Anti-backlash dial regulator; thumb-finger support post; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 15/16''; body width 3'';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 1/4; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Dolphin is engraved on back plate, 400  stamped on back. PAT 20928 / 53  PENG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 496 grams - c. the 1950s. Scarce model.


1-Graeme Dolphin 500 A vintage fishing reel with Box
2-Graeme Dolphin 500 A vintage reel with Box
4-Graeme Dolphin 500 A vintage fishing reel made in Australia
3-Graeme Dolphin 500 A vintage reel
5-Graeme Dolphin 500 A vintage fishing reel mechanism

 Graeme Dolphin 500 A Free Spool "Starless" Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier.

Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome-plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; Anti-backlash dial regulator; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 15/16''; body width 3 3/8'';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 5/8; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Dolphin is engraved on back plate, 500 A stamped on back. 2 1/2 To 1 Ratio, and PAT 20928 / 53  PENG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 518 grams - c. the 1950s. Rare model to find in mint condition with original box and paperwork.


1-GRAEME Dolphin 500 S vintage fishing reel with Box
3-GRAEME Dolphin 500 S vintage fishing reel
GRAEME Dolphin 500 S vintage fishing reel
2-GRAEME Dolphin 500 S vintage fishing reel & Box
5-GRAEME Dolphin 500 S vintage fishing reel original Box

Graeme Dolphin 500 S Free Spool Non-reversing Star Drag Anti-Backlash Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome-plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; Anti-backlash dial regulator; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 15/16''; body width 3 1/8'';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 5/8; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Dolphin is engraved on back plate, 500 S stamped on back. 2 1/2 To 1 RATIO, and PAT 20928 / 53 PENDG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 438 grams - c. the 1950s.

Scarce in original working order with box and specification user guide booklet.

THE GRAEME Supreme 200 A  (G 13)

1-Graeme Supreme 200 A vintage fishing reel, & Box
2-Graeme Supreme 200 A vintage fishing reel
3-Graeme Supreme 200 A vintage fishing reel
4-Graeme Supreme 200 A vintage fishing reel original Box
5-Graeme Supreme vintage fishing reel. user g spec guide & Anti-Backlash pamphlet pamphlet

Graeme Supreme 200 A Free Spool Non-reversing Star Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; stationary-circular level line wind; Anti-backlash dial regulator; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  3 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 3/8''; duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 3/4"; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Supreme is engraved on back plate, 200 A stamped on back. 3 1/2 To 1 Ratio and PAT 20928 / 53  PENG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 472 grams - c. late 1950s.

Rare model to find in mint condition with original box and paperwork.

THE GRAEME Supreme 300 A  (G 14)

1-GRAEME  Supreme 300 A, vintage fishing reel with Box
5-GRAEME  Supreme 300 A, vintage fishing reel with Box
2-GRAEME  Supreme 300 A, vintage fishing reel with Box
3-GRAEME  Supreme 300 A, vintage fishing reel with Box
4-GRAEME  Supreme 300 A, vintage fishing reel Box

 Graeme Supreme 300 A Free Spool  Star Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Chrome plated brass body, optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; stationary-circular level line wind; Anti-backlash dial regulator; pressed back plate design; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  3 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 3/4'';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 1/16"; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Supreme is engraved on back plate, 300 A stamped on back. 3 1/2 To 1 Ratio and PAT 20928 / 53  PENG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 468 grams - c. late 1950s.

Scarce model to find in mint condition and with original box.

THE GRAEME Takapart 'Standard'  (G 15)

1-GRAEME Takapart standard vintage fishing reel made in Australia
2-GRAEME Takapart standard vintage fishing reel made in Australia
4-GRAEME Takapart standard vintage fishing reel, internal mechanism
3-GRAEME Takapart standard vintage fishing reel made in Australia

 Graeme Takapart Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Duralumin black anodised body and side plates; threaded removable knurled end plate rings; optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; tan erinoid twin handles; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 5/8''; body width 2 1/4';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 3/4"; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme is engraved on the back plate, and Bennett Engineering Manly stamped on the back Weight 282 grams - c. late 1940s. Scarce.

THE GRAEME Takapart 'Superior'  (G 16)

1-Graeme Takapart Star drag vintage fishing reel
4-Graeme Takapart Star drag vintage fishing reel
2-Graeme Takapart Star drag vintage fishing reel
3-Graeme Takapart Star drag vintage fishing reel
5-Graeme Takapart Star drag vintage fishing reel

 Graeme Takapart Revolving Drum Star Drag Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Duralumin black anodised body and side plates; threaded removable knurled end plate rings; optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; tan erinoid twin handles; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 5/8''; body width 2 1/4';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 3/4"; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme engraved on back plate, Bennett Engineering Manly is stamped on back Weight 320 grams - c. late 1940s. Scarce.

THE GRAEME Takapart 'Superior'  Wide spool  (G 17)

1-GRAEME Supreme Star Drag vintage fishing reel
2-GRAEME Supreme Star Drag vintage fishing reel
3-GRAEME Supreme Star Drag vintage fishing reel
4-GRAEME Supreme Star Drag vintage fishing reel
5-GRAEME Supreme Star Drag vintage fishing reel

Graeme Takapart Revolving Drum Star Drag Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Duralumin body, black anodised side plates; threaded removable knurled end plate rings; optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; green erinoid twin handles; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 5/8''; body width 3'' ;  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 3/16" ; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate.

The Graeme is engraved on back plate, and Bennett Engineering Manly is stamped on back. Weight 328 grams - c. late 1940s. Scarce.

THE GRAEME Takapart 'Standard' Wide spool  (G 18)

1-GRAEME TAKAPART Torpedo counter balanced crank vintage fishing reel
2-GRAEME TAKAPART Torpedo counter balanced crank vintage fishing reel
3-GRAEME TAKAPART Torpedo counter balanced crank vintage fishing reel
4-GRAEME TAKAPART Torpedo counter balanced crank vintage fishing reel internal mechanism

 Graeme Takapart Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Duralumin body, black anodised side plates; threaded removable knurled end plate rings; optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; green torpedo handle - counterbalanced crank; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickel steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 5/8''; body width 3'';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 3/16"; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme  engraved on back plate, Bennett Engineering Manly stamped on back Weight 326 grams - c. late 1940s. Scarce.

THE GRAEME Takapart 'Standard'  (G 19)

1-GRAEME TAKAPART vintage fishing reel Black anodised body
2-GRAEME TAKAPART vintage fishing reel Black anodised body
3-GRAEME TAKAPART vintage fishing reel Black anodised body
4-GRAEME TAKAPART vintage fishing reel Black anodised body; intrnal mechanism

 Graeme Takapart Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Duralumin black anodised body and side plates; red anodised threaded removable knurled end plate rings; optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; white erinoid twin handles; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 5/8''; body width 2 1/4';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 3/4" ; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on the back plate. The Graeme is engraved on back plate, Bennett Engineering Manly stamped on back Weight 282 grams - c. late 1940s. Scarce.

THE GRAEME Takapart 'Standard'  (G 20)

1-The Graeme Takapart Red anodised vintage fishing reel
2-The Graeme Takapart Red anodised vintage fishing reel
3-The Graeme Takapart Red anodised vintage fishing reel
4-The Graeme Takapart Red anodised vintage fishing reel, internal mechanism

 Graeme Takapart Revolving Drum Multiplier. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Duralumin red anodised body and side plates; aluminium threaded removable knurled end plate rings; optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; white erinoid twin handles; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 5/8''; body width 2 1/4';  duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 3/4"; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. The Graeme Takapart is engraved on the back plate Weight 282 grams - c. late 1940s. Scarce.

THE GRAEME Junior  Anti-backlash dial regulator;  (G 21)

1-GRAEME Junior Level Wind Anti Back lash vintage fishing reel with original Box
2-GRAEME Junior Level Wind Anti Back lash vintage fishing reel
3-GRAEME Junior Level Wind Anti Back lash vintage fishing reel
4-Graeme Junior vintage fishing reel
5-GRAEME Junior Level Wind vintage fishing reel original Box
6-Graeme Junior S/S spool

 Graeme Junior Revolving Drum Multiplier, baitcasting reel. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Duralumin grey anodised body and side plates; floating level line wind; Anti-backlash dial regulator; grey anodised metal twin handles; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio  3 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/8''; body width 2 3/8';  grey anodised duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 1 9/16"; optional Stainless Steel drum( spool); Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. Bennett Engineering Manly cast in relief on the front side plate, PAT 20928 / 53  PENG stamped on the front, The Graeme Junior cast in relief on back plate Weight 244 grams - c.  1950s. Very rare in near-mint order with original box.

THE GRAEME Junior  Non Anti-backlash regulator;  (G 22)

1- Graeme Junior Level Wind vintage fishing reel
2-Graeme Junior Level Wind vintage fishing reel
3-Graeme Junior Level Wind vintage fishing reel made in Australia

 Graeme Junior Revolving Drum Multiplier, baitcasting reel. Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW.

Duralumin grey anodised body and side plates; floating level line wind; grey anodised metal twin handles; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio  3 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 2 3/8''; body width 2 3/8';  Stainless Steel drum( spool) width 1 9/16''; optional grey anodised duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool); Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on back plate. Bennett Engineering Manly cast in relief on front side plate, and The Graeme Junior cast in relief on the back plate Weight 266 grams - c.  1950s. Scarce.

SPORTSMASTER by Bennett Engineering Anti-backlash dial regulator;  (G 23)

1-SPORTSMASTER vintage fishing reel with Box by Graeme Bennett Engineering
Sportsmaster vintage fishing reel by Bennett Engineering
3-Sportsmaster vintage fishing reel by Bennett Engineering
3-Sportsmaster fishing reel gold anodised  spool (drum)
1-Sportsmaster vintage fishing reel, Anglers  Digest advertisement.
1- Sportsmaster by Bennett engineering, vintage fishing reel advertisement
4-Graeme Sportsmaster vintage fishing reel by Bennett Engineering
6-Graeme SPORTSMASTER internal mechanism
5-Graeme SPORTSMASTER vintage fishing reel box
1-SPORTSMASTER vintage fishing reel user guide
2-Sportsmaster vintage fishing reel user guide pamphlet

Sportsmaster Free Spool Lever Non-reversing Star Drag Anti-Backlash revolving drum Multiplier.

Maker Bennett Engineering, Manly NSW, for GRIMLEY LIMITED, 243 - 253 Broadway, Sydney NSW.

Black anodised aluminium side plates and gear housing; chrome plated brass pillars; offset chrome plated brass saddle (foot) optional check button; free spool (drum) lever; Anti-backlash dial regulator; quick take-apart screws; pressed back plate design; counter balanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; bearings and gear of Tobin Bronze; nickle steel pinion gear, ratio  2 1/2 : 1 ; diameter 3 1/8''; body width 3 1/4'';  Gold anodised duralumin (an aluminium alloy) drum (spool) width 2 9/16; Spool play (end float) adjusted by a large knurled bearing nut on the back plate. SPORTSMASTER engraved on front gear housing rim.  PAT 20928 / 53 PENDG. stamped on front plate (crank handle side) Weight 442 grams.

- c.1950s. Very rare in near-mint order with box and specification user guide pamphlet.


18-GRAEME vintage game reel

Graeme Multiplying Game reel.  Maker Bennett Engineering Manly NSW. Chrome plated brass end plates; chrome plated brass pillars; star drag; counterbalanced crank handle; ball bearing spindle; harness and rod lugs; diameter 6 1/2'', drum (spool width 3 3/4''; gear ratio 2 : 1; The GRAEME inscription (possibly stamped) on the crank handle front plate -c 1950s. Very rare.


2-Graeme vintage Big Game reel. Depicted in Bob dunn Book
1-Graeme vintage Big Game reel. Bob dunn Book referancee
3-Graeme vintage Big Game reel. Bob dunn Book referance
1-Bennett Engineering vintage  Game Fishing Leather Gimbal Belt


1-GRAEME vintage Big Game reel, Level Line Wind model
4-GRAEME vintage Big Game reel, Level Wind model
5-GRAEME vintage Big Game reel, Level Wind model
2-GRAEME vintage Big Game reel, Level Wind model
3-GRAEME vintage Big Game reel, Level Wind model

Graeme Multiplying Level Wind Game reel.  Maker Bennett Engineering Manly NSW. Chrome plated brass end plates; chrome plated brass pillars; star drag; counterbalanced crank handle; ball bearing spindle; harness and rod lugs; diameter 6 1/2'', drum (spool width 3 3/4''; gear ratio 2 : 1; The GRAEME stamped on the end plate. Bennett Engineering, Manly stamped on the crank drive front plate -c 1950s. Very rare.


1-GRAEME vintage fishing reel specification manual
1-Graeme vintage fishing reel 1957 advertisement
3-Graeme vintage fishing reel advertisement
2-Graeme vintage fishing reel advertisement

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2-Graeme vintage fishing reel Anti-backlash advertisement
2-Graeme Junior vintage fishing reel advertisement

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