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SEASCAPE Revolving Drum Mutiplying Overhead vintage fishing reel information. reeLpedia® by Bernard (Bernie) Ladd, 22/6/2009.

1-Seascape vintage fishing reel, page 20 Header Title.

On the 30th of April 1951, Donald Andrew Charlton, resident engineer of New South Wales, presented a Patent Specification (151,801; Application No 2,289/51) to the Commonwealth Department of Patents. The patent entailed significant improvements in the geared fishing reels, used for general purpose fishing.

The Patent Specification outlined in detail the range of improvements implicating the mechanism by which the fishing line was wound on a drum that was fixed to an axle between front and back plate; and which controlled the direction and speed of the drum. The new patent included the provision for enabling the reel's free-spooling when casting out with a brake, thus controlling the speed of the drum at the end of the cast so that the line did not over-run on the drum when the cast strikes the water. An audible ratchet device is fitted to alert the user when the line is running out (this device can be made manually inoperative). It is known that in most forms of fishing reels, there is a large number of small parts which are integral to the function of the reel. Many of these parts through wear and tear, due to the stresses incurred in fishing operations, and due to environmental corrosive elements, become in time unserviceable.  Charlton devised a new reel, which performed the same functions but consisted of fewer components. His new reel was of a sturdy construction and less vulnerable to becoming inoperative as a result of wear.  Furthermore, the repairs and maintenance, Charlton purported,  would be reduced significantly by the provision of large bearing surfaces. Also, he emphasized in his patent declaration, that those elements which would be most subject to wear (e.g. washers or clutch), were of simple construction and readily replaceable.

The SEASCAPE reel does not appear in any of the fishing magazine advertisements or tackle catalogues until 1954. Its commercial availability may have been established earlier in the Newcastle area, where it was manufactured at Wallsend.  According to fishing historian Bob Dunn, the prototype would have been around for three years or more, as Charlton had applied for Patent Protection in 1951, and had received approval in 1953. The most interesting feature, as described above, was a simple free-spool mechanism. To operate it, the angler presses a spring-loaded button housed in the release bar, whilst simultaneously pulling the handle outwards to disengage the gears. At the completion of the cast the handle is pushed back to re-engage the gears.

Charlton’s Patent Specification was Published on 20th March 1952 and it was accepted on 10th June 1953.


In its first production, the SEASCAPE reel came with a single ball-bearing-race, mounted in the front of the drum spindle. The back plate instead of having a ball-bearing-race, was fitted with a manganese bronze bearing; drive gear made of manganese bronze; and a pinion of hardened steel. The model range consisted of the 'Star Drag' Major and 'Star Drag' Standard; as well as a non-Star Drag model was available in both, Major and Standard options. The left-hand wind was available on order.  Other identifying early model features were the grooved pillars (plated brass) and the saddle-welded twin pillars. The gear ratio was approximately 2.5:1.


Seascape factory side plate Anodised colour options include Red, Green, Lime Green, Pink, Gold, Blue, and Aluminium (Silver) anodised.


The second improved SEASCAPE reel (Circa 1954) featured duel ball-bearing-races; a newly designed pressed rod mount saddle; an optional 5'' crank handle; and plain non-grooved brass-plated pillars. Gear ratio (rate of retrieve) stamped on the front plate, near the name SEASCAPE, and also on the main gear (earlier models did not have this identification) 


Gear ratios available as per Seascape factory specifications:

321 Model Main gear = 40 teeth; Pinion gear = 15 teeth Ratio approx. = 2.2/3 to 1.

521 Model Main gear = 54 teeth; Pinion gear = 11 teeth Ratio approx. = 5 to 1.

421 Model Main gear = 52 teeth; Pinion gear = 13 teeth Ratio approx. = 4 to 1

621 Model Main gear = 58 teeth; Pinion gear = 10 teeth Ratio approx. = 6 to 1.

1-1 Seascape vintage fishing reel  Geari

The last SEASCAPE model (Circa 1970s) was substantially redesigned featuring: pressed brass side plates, which were chrome plated; and a new design of stainless steel pinion gear. The earlier models were produced with hardened steel pinion gears, which were prone to shearing under-load, caused by improper handling of the main gear-pinion engagement mechanism.  Gear ratio options, main gear materials, and dual-ball bearings remained typical of the previous models.


Seascape blue anodised Major star clutch drag 'single ball bearing race' (a feature in early production models)(Se 1)

1- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel Blue anodised model with first design Box, specfication Booklet, Rare.
4- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel Blue an
6- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel Blue an
3- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel Blue an
2- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel Blue an
5- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel Blue an

Seascape Major single ball bearing race. Blue anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’. Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2 11/16’’; star drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; grooved pillars; Weight 646 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND. Back end plate stamped WALLSEND NEWCASTLE ENGINEERING.

Seascape red anodised Major 'Non star clutch drag ' single ball bearing race model.  (Se 2)

1- SEASCAPE Major Non drag model red ano
2- SEASCAPE Major Non drag model red ano
3- SEASCAPE Major Non drag model red ano
5- SEASCAPE Major Non drag model red ano
4- SEASCAPE Major Non drag model red ano
6- SEASCAPE Major Non drag model red ano

Seascape Major single ball bearing race. Red anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’. Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2 11/16’’; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; grooved pillars; Weight 646 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND. Back end plate stamped WALLSEND NEWCASTLE ENGINEERING.

Seascape blue anodised Standard 'star clutch drag' single ball bearing race model.  (Se 3)

1- SEASCAPE Standard vintage fishing ree
2- SEASCAPE Standard vintage fishing ree
6- SEASCAPE Standard vintage fishing ree
4- SEASCAPE Standard vintage fishing ree
3- SEASCAPE Standard vintage fishing ree
5- SEASCAPE Standard vintage fishing ree

Seascape Standard single ball bearing race. Blue anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’; Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2  5/16’’; star drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; grooved pillars; Weight 546 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND. Back end plate stamped WALLSEND NEWCASTLE ENGINEERING.

Seascape green anodised Standard star clutch drag single ball bearing race.  (Se 4)

1- Seascape Standard green anodized vint
2- Seascape Standard green anodized vint
5- Seascape Standard green anodized vint
3- Seascape Standard green anodized vint
4- Seascape Standard green anodized vint
6- Seascape Standard green anodized vint

Seascape Standard single ball bearing race. Green anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’; Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2 11/16’’; star drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; grooved pillars; Weight 646 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND. Back end plate stamped WALLSEND NEWCASTLE ENGINEERING.

Seascape aluminium (silver) anodised Standard star clutch drag single ball bearing race model.  (Se 5)

1- Seascape standard anodised aluminium
2- Seascape standard anodised aluminium
5- Seascape standard anodised aluminium
4- Seascape standard anodised aluminium
3- Seascape standard anodised aluminium
6- Seascape standard anodised aluminium

Seascape Standard single ball bearing race. Aluminium anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’; Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2  5/16’’ ; star drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; grooved pillars; Weight 546 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND. Back end plate stamped WALLSEND NEWCASTLE ENGINEERING.

Seascape blue anodised  'Non star clutch drag ' single ball bearing race model.  (Se 6)

1- Seascape Non star drag model vintage
5- Seascape Non star drag model vintage
2- Seascape Non star drag model vintage
3- Seascape Non star drag model vintage
4- Seascape Non star drag model vintage
6- Seascape Non star drag model vintage

Seascape single ball bearing race. Blue anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’; Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2 11/16’’; optional check lever; free spool button; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; grooved pillars; Weight 646 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND.

Seascape green anodised Major star clutch drag Dual Ball Bearing race model.   (Se 7)

1 - Seascape Major green anodised vintag
2- Seascape Major green anodised vintage
3- Seascape Major green anodised vintage
6- Seascape Major green anodised vintage
4- Seascape Major green anodised vintage
5- Seascape Major green anodised vintage

Seascape Standard Dual ball bearing race. Green anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’; Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2  5/16’’; star drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; plain pillars; Weight 546 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND.

Seascape mauve (pink) anodised Major star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model.  (Se 8)

1- SEASCAPE Major Mauve anodised duall b
4- SEASCAPE Major Mauve anodised duall b
3- SEASCAPE Major Mauve anodised duall b
2- SEASCAPE Major Mauve anodised duall b
5- SEASCAPE Major Mauve anodised duall b
6 - SEASCAPE Major Mauve anodised dual b

Seascape Major Dual ball bearing race. Pink anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’; Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2  5/16’’; star drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; plain pillars; Weight 546 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND.

Seascape gold anodised Major star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model - 5'' crank-handle option. ( Se 9)

1- SEASCAPE MAJOR Gold anodised dual bal
3- SEASCAPE MAJOR Gold anodised dual bal
5- SEASCAPE MAJOR Gold anodised dual bal
6- SEASCAPE MAJOR Gold anodised dual bal
2- SEASCAPE MAJOR 321 Gold anodised dual
4- SEASCAPE MAJOR Gold anodised dual bal

Seascape Major Dual ball bearing race. Gold anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’; Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum width 2  5/16’’; star drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; plain pilliars; Weight 546 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND.

Seascape gold anodised Major star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model. Mint with box, specification booklet. (Se 10)

1- Seascape Major Gold anodised dual bal
5- Seascape Major Gold anodised dual bal
2- Seascape Major Gold anodised dual bal
3- Seascape Major Gold anodised dual bal
6- Seascape Major Gold anodised dual bal
4- Seascape Major Gold anodised dual bal

Seascape Major Dual ball bearing race. Gold anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’; Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2  5/16’’; star drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; plain pillars; Weight 546 grams; -c. 1950. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND.

Seascape Minor star clutch drag dual ball bearing race -c1970. (Se 11)

1- Seascape MINOR vintage fishing reel
1- Seascape MINOR vintage fishing reel i
2- Seascape MINOR vintage fishing reel
3- Seascape MINOR vintage fishing reel
4- Seascape MINOR vintage fishing reel
2- Seascape MINOR vintage fishing reel i
1- Seascape MINOR vintage fishing reel 6 to 1 gear & Bearing view

SEASCAPE MINOR Specifications.

Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 1/8''. Body width: 2 1/8''; Anodied aluminium alloy drum width: 1 1/2''. Stamped 6s on the front end plate and main gear. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear. Star drag; dual ball bearing race; free spool lever; optional check button; side plates and pillars chrome plated brass. 5'' chrome plated brass crank handle. Gear Ratio approx. 6 to 1. Weight: 620 g. Front side plate stamped SEASCAPE 6s AUST. PAT. No. 151,801. N.Z " " 110,407. OTHERS Pending.

Seascape gold anodised 'Non star clutch drag' dual ball bearing races model. (Se 12)

1-SEASCAPE Starless drag vintage Gold anodised fishing reel
2-SEASCAPE Starless drag vintage Gold anodised fishing reel
3-SEASCAPE Starless drag vintage Gold anodised fishing reel

Seascape Gold anodised end plates diameter 3 1/8’’. Aluminium alloy anodised spool-drum; drum width 2 11/16’’; Dual ball bearing races; Nonstar drag; optional check button; free spool lever; Torpedo style handle-knob; counterbalanced crank-handle; quick take-apart screws; grooved pillars; Weight 646 grams; -c. 1960. Front end plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND. Back end plate stamped WALLSEND NEWCASTLE ENGINEERING.

Seascape chrome plated Major star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model. (Se 13)

1- Seascape Chrome plated Major vintage
3- Seascape Chrome plated Major vintage
4- Seascape Chrome plated Major vintage
2- Seascape Chrome plated Major vintage
5- Seascape Chrome plated Major vintage
6- Seascape Chrome plated Major vintage

Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 1/8''. Anodised aluminium alloy drum width: 2 5/8''. Stamped 6s on the front end plate and main gear. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear. Star drag; dual ball bearing race; free spool lever; optional check button; side plates and pillars chrome plated Brass. 5'' chrome plated brass crank handle. Gear Ratio approx. 5 to 1. Weight: -  grams. Front side plate stamped SEASCAPE PATS. PEND..

Seascape ( early ) Major 421 star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model. (Se 14)

1-  SEASCAPE early 421 ratio vintage fis
2- SEASCAPE early 421 ratio vintage fish
3-  SEASCAPE early 421 ratio vintage fis
4-  SEASCAPE early 421 ratio vintage fis
5-  SEASCAPE early 421 ratio vintage fis
6-  SEASCAPE early 421 ratio vintage fis

Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 1/8'';. Anodised aluminium alloy drum width: 2 5/8''. Stamped 421 on the front end plate and main gear. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear. Star drag; dual ball bearing race; free spool lever; optional check button; side plates and pillars chrome plated Brass. 5'' chrome plated brass crank handle. Gear Ratio approx. 421. Weight: 620 g. Front side plate stamped 421 SEASCAPE  PATS. PEND.

Seascape  Major L/H wind star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model. 1974. (Se 15)

01- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
09- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
02- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
10- SEASCAPE L H wind vintage fishing re
03- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
06- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
04- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
08- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
07- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
05- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
11- Seascape L H wind vintage fishing re

Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 1/8''. Red anodised aluminium alloy drum width: 2 5/8''. Stamped 6s on the front end plate and main gear. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear. Star drag; dual ball bearing race; free spool lever; optional check button; side plates and pillars chrome plated Brass. 5'' chrome plated brass crank handle. Gear Ratio approx. 6 to 1. Weight: -  grams. Front side plate stamped SEASCAPE 6s AUST. PAT. No. 151,801. N.Z " " 110,407. OTHERS Pending.

Seascape ( Later ) Major 421 star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model.  (Se 16)

1- Seascape 421 later version vintage fi
2- Seascape 421 later version vintage fi
3- Seascape 421 later version vintage fi
4- Seascape 421 later version vintage fi
5- Seascape 421 later version vintage fi
6- Seascape 421 later version vintage fi

Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 1/8''; Anodised aluminium alloy drum width: 2 5/8''. Stamped 421 on the front end plate and main gear. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear. Star drag; dual ball bearing race; free spool lever; optional check button; side plates and pillars chrome plated Brass. 5'' chrome plated brass crank handle. Gear Ratio approx. 421. Weight: 620  grams. Front side plate stamped SEASCAPE 421 AUST. PAT. No. 151,801. N.Z " " 110,407. OTHERS Pending

Seascape Major 521 star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model.  (Se 17)

01- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing reel ac
05- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
1- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel box
03- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
09- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
02- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
04- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
06- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
10- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
08- SEASCAPE ENGINEERING buisness card

Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 1/8''; Anodised aluminium alloy drum width: 2 5/8''. Stamped 6s on the front end plate and main gear. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear. Star drag; dual ball bearing race; free spool lever; optional check button; side plates and pillars chrome plated Brass. 5'' chrome plated brass crank handle. Gear Ratio approx. 6 to 1. Weight: -  grams. Front side plate stamped SEASCAPE 6s AUST. PAT. No. 151,801. N.Z " " 110,407. OTHERS Pending.

Seascape  Major 6 s ( 6 to 1) star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model.  (Se 18)

1- SEASCAPE Major 6.1 vintage fishing re
2- SEASCAPE Major 6.1 vintage fishing re
4- SEASCAPE Major 6.1 vintage fishing re
3- SEASCAPE Major 6.1 vintage fishing re
5- SEASCAPE Major 6.1 vintage fishing re
6- SEASCAPE Major 6.1 vintage fishing re

Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 1/8''; Anodised aluminium alloy drum width: 2 5/8''. Stamped 6s on the front end plate and main gear. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear. Star drag; dual ball bearing race; free spool lever; optional check  button; side plates and pillars chrome plated Brass. 5'' chrome plated brass crank handle. Gear Ratio approx. 6 to 1. Weight: -  grams. Front side plate stamped SEASCAPE 6s AUST. PAT. No. 151,801. N.Z " " 110,407. OTHERS Pending.

Seascape Major star clutch drag dual ball bearing race model - Hexagonal counterweight crank-handle.  (Se 19)

1- SEASCAPE Hexagonal counter weight cra
4- SEASCAPE 6.1 Hexagonal counter weight
5- SEASCAPE Hexagonal counter weight cra
3- SEASCAPE Hexagonal counter weight cra
2- SEASCAPE Hexagonal counter weight cra
6- SEASCAPE Hexagonal counter weight cra

Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 1/8''; Anodised aluminium alloy drum width: 2 5/8''. Stamped 6s on the front end plate and main gear. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear. Star drag; dual ball bearing race; free spool lever; optional check button; side plates and pillars chrome plated Brass. 5'' chrome plated brass crank handle. Gear Ratio approx. 6 to 1. Weight: -  grams. Front side plate stamped SEASCAPE 6s AUST. PAT. No. 151,801. N.Z " " 110,407. OTHERS Pending.

Seascape Revolving Drum Multiplier. Rare Light Game Fishing Reel.   (Se 20)

History: According to information provided by the well-known collector of Australian fishing memorabilia, Barry Cross from Cairns, Australia, the Seascape Light Game fishing reel depicted below was custom-made for Don Davidson, a jeweller based in Newcastle. Davidson needed a Heavy Duty Seascape reel capable of handling offshore fishing, particularly big Tuna, better than the models available at that time. Davidson was friends with the proprietor of 'Wallsend Engineering Company,' Don Charlton, who manufactured the Seascape reels in Wallsend, Newcastle.  In the 1950s, he approached Charlton to specially craft a Light Game reel to suit his fishing needs.  Ladd B. 25/2/2024.

2-SEASCAPE LIGHT GAME Vintage Fishing reel
8-Seascape Light Game vintage fishing reel
9-Seascape Light game reel spool
Seascape light game reel dual anti-reverse pawls
7-Seascape Light Game reel internal mechanism

Specifications: Chrome plated brass side plates diameter: 3 3/4’’. Body width: 3 3/8’’; Chrome plated brass drum (spool) width: 2 3/4’’, weight of drum 320 gr. Stamped 421 on the front end plate. Manganese bronze main gear; stainless steel pinion gear; twin heavy duty anti-reverse pawls. Star clutch drag; dual ball bearing races; free spool lever; optional check button; side plates, and pillars chrome plated Brass. Length of chrome plated brass crank handle 5 1/8’’, black torpedo style handle knob. Gear Ratio 4.2:1. Weight of reel: 1.5 kilos.

Seascape Vintage Fishing reel Early Parts List and user guide information.

6- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel specifi
5- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel specifi
4- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel specifi
3- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel specifi
2- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel specifi
07- 12- SEASCAPE 521 vintage fishing ree
7- SEASCAPE vintage fishing reel adverti

Seascape Vintage Fishing reel Later Parts List and user guide information Booklet.

01- Seascape vintage Fishing reels Handbook cover
08- SEASCAPE Hand Book fishing reel Schematics page
06- Seascape Hand book Gears & Gear Ratio Identification
2 -  Seascape Hand book Check Box page
09- Seascape Fishing reel Gear Housing Schematics
07- Seascape fishing reel Hand book Maintenance insructions
1- Seascape vintage fishing reel Hand Book model specs
04- Seascape Hand book Model 621 casting instructitions
3 - Seascape Hahd Book Star Drag Schematics & assembly sequence
11- Seascape Hand Book Part No. - Part Name identification page
10- Seascape Reels Part Number & Name
12- Seascape Hand Book Back Cover page
3 - Don Charlton at his engineering Factory
1 B - Seascape vintage fishing reels 3 d

Seascape Vintage Fishing Reel 6 different Cardboard Box Types Produced. Hard to find in good condition.

13- Seascape vintage fishing reel early B
o9- Seascape vintage fishing reel Box.JP
2- Seascape 521 vintage fishing reel box
02 -  Seascape 321 model vintage fishing
10- Seascape vintage fishing reel early B
08- Seascape vintage fishing reel Box.JP
1- Seascape 521 vintage fishing reel box
01- Seascape 321 model vintage fishing r
12- Seascape vintage fishing reel early B
07 - Seascape vintage fishing reel Box.J
3- Seascape 521 vintage fishing reel box
03-  Seascape 321 model vintage fishing
11- Seascape vintage fishing reel early B
06 - Seascape vintage fishing reel Box.J
4- Seascape 521 vintage fishing reel box
04 -  Seascape 321 model vintage fishing
14- Seascape vintage fishing reel early B
05- Seascape vintage fishing reel Box.JP
19- Seascape 421 vintage fishng reel  Bo
18- Seascape 421 vintage fishng reel  Bo
17- Seascape 421 vintage fishng reel  Bo
16- Seascape 421 vintage fishng reel  Bo
15- Seascape 421 vintage fishng reel  Bo
22 - Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 M
21- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
27- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
25- Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 Ma
24 - Seascape vintage fishing reel 421 M

Interesting Vintage Historical Seascape Documentation. Very collectable.

01- Seascape fishing reel parts price list page 1.
02- Seascape Fishing Reel Parts Price List page 2.
10- Seascape vintage fishing reel  Document
09- Seascape vintage fishing reel  Document
05- Seascape vintage fishing reel  Document
04- Seascape vintage fishing reel  Document.
03- Seascape vintage fishing reel  Document.
06- Seascape vintage fishing reel  Document.
07- Seascape vintage fishing reel  Document.

Seascape Fishing Reel Patent. Application date: 30th April, 1951.

1- SEASCAPE fishing reel Patent  applica
2- SEASCAPE fishing reel Patent  applica
3- SEASCAPE fishing reel Patent  applica
4- SEASCAPE fishing reel Patent  applica
5- SEASCAPE fishing reel SCHEMATIC Paten
Seascape vintage proto-type fishing reel
Seascape vintage proto-type fishing reel
Seascape vintage proto-type fishing reel

Seascape prototype or possibly a workshop type, 2/0 multiplying fishing reel. -c 1940. Specifications: Aluminium alloy side plate diameter's 2 3/4''; body width 2 3/4''; rolled alloy spool width 2 ''; brass reel seat; crossbar (pillars) brass; Aluminium torpedo style handle knob; crank Aluminium alloy; brass counterweight; brass star drag - wheel; brass free spool anti-reverse spring loaded engage pin; brass bush bearings; straight cut nickel bronze main gear; hi-tensile straight cut spool spindle pinion gear; brass spool shaft end float adjustment; gear cover plate take apart brass screws. Extremely Rare.

Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel
Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel
Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel

Jack Harvey, Campsie, NSW designed and made Beach Comber, a light game reel, -c 1950. Specifications: Nickel plated Brass, Linen Bakelite. Linen reinforced bakelite back; side plate diameters 5 ''; brass nickel plated spool width 2 1/2 ''; gear ratio 2.5 : 1 star drag wheel; Free spool engage pin; optional check; cast brass nickel plated twin bar support reel seat; nickel plated metal crank arm; torpedo style wooden handle knob. Extremely Rare.

Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel
Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel
Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel

Jack Harvey, Campsie, NSW designed and made 2/0 multiplying fishing reel, -c 1950. Specifications: Linen reinforced bakelite back; side plate -diameters 3 5/16''; brass nickel plated spool width 2''; gear ratio-2.5: 1; cast brass nickel plated twin bar support reel seat; nickel plated metal crank arm; torpedo style handle knob. Extremely Rare.

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