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Australian Collectable Revolving Drum Multiplying Casting Vintage Fishing Reels Historical Information.

A comprehensive factual information reference guide, reeLpedia ®  by Bernie Ladd, 2/10/2021. This segment describes the vintage revolving drum multiplying fishing reel model brands made in Australia. The reels described are Castmaster; Cast Way; Erskin; Forresta; Hollow Spool; Kalua; Graeme; Mec; Miles, Offshore; Ocean King; Quick spool; Trukast; and Walpar.

 CASTMASTER  CASTING REEL Anti-Backlash Braked Drum. (C 1)

1-CASTMASTER vintage overhead fishing reel with box
7-CASTMASTER vintage overhead Anti Backlash fishing reel internal mechanism
2-CASTMASTER vintage overhead Anti Backlash fishing reel made in Australia
3-CASTMASTER vintage overhead Anti Backlash fishing reel made in Australia
6-CASTMASTER vintage overhead Anti Backlash fishing reel internal mechanism
8-CASTMASTER vintage overhead fishing reel Drum - Spool
31-CASTMASTER vintage fishing reel box
4-CASTMASTER vintage overhead fishing reel specification pamphlet

CASTMASTER  revolving drum multiplier. A product of Halcyon Products Pty. Ltd, Sydney and Newcastle - c. 1950.

Black anodised body. Knurled cap screw adjustable wire-line drum (spool) anti-backlash brake; lever-operated free spool; optional check; black erinoid torpedo handle; nickel-plated brass counterweight crank. Body width 2 3/8’’; Backplate diameter 2 15/16’’; aluminium drum (spool) width 1 3/4’’;  1/4’’ pillars black anodised; manganese bronze spindle bearings; knurled nickel plated brass spindle end float adjustment cap; 3/8 cap nut crank retaining nut; 3 knurled nickel plated brass closed ends thumb nut, for quick take apart; bronze main helical gear; hardened steel helical pinion gear; gear ratio 2 : 1; CAST MASTER PAT. APP. stamped on the front end plate. Weight: 350 gr.    Very rare in complete near-mint working order with original box, calico (cotton) drawstring reel storage bag, and specification user guide pamphlet.


1-Castmaster vintage casting fishing reel with box
3-Castmaster vintage casting fishing reel made in Australia
2-Castmaster vintage casting fishing reel made in Australia
1-Castmaster vintage casting fishing reel
5-Castmaster vintage casting fishing reel
7-Castmaster vintage casting fishing reel drum - spool
6-Castmaster vintage casting fishing reel internal mechanism

CASTMASTER  revolving drum multiplier. A product of Halcyon Products Pty. Ltd, Sydney and Newcastle - c. 1950.

Black anodised body. Lever-operated free spool; optional check; black erinoid torpedo handle; nickel-plated brass counterweight crank. Body width 2 3/8’’; Backplate diameter 2 15/16’’; black anodised drum (spool) width 1 3/4’’;  1/4’’ pillars black anodised; manganese bronze spindle bearings; knurled nickel plated brass spindle end float adjustment cap; 3/8 cap nut crank retaining nut; 3 knurled nickel plated brass closed ends thumb nut, for quick take apart; bronze main helical gear; hardened steel helical pinion gear; gear ratio 2 : 1; CAST MASTER PAT. APP. stamped on the front end plate. Weight: 324 gr. Scarce in complete near-mint working order with original box.

CAST - WAY MINOR (narrow drum) Light Game Reel  (C  3)

1-Cast - Away Minor vintage game fishing reel
5-Cast - Away Minor vintage game fishing reel with box
4-Cast - Away Minor vintage game fishing reel bakelite spool
1-Cast way vintage reel operation manual
3-Cast - Away Minor vintage game fishing reel internal mechanism
2-Cast - Away Minor vintage game fishing reel
6-Cast - Away Minor vintage game fishing reel user guide
1-Cast-Way vintage fishing reel advertisement

CAST-WAY MINOR revolving drum multiplying Light Game reel.

Nickle plated brass pillar supported saddle (reel seat); bakelite end plates diameter 4''; bakelite drum (spool)  spindle supported by 2 sealed ball bearings, width of bakelite drum 1 7/8 "; counterbalanced crank handle; burgundy erinoid bulbous handle; star drag wheel clutches; crank handle spindle end play adjusted by two knurled nuts; three quick take-apart screws; knock-on lever operated free spool; wire anti-backlash attachment and dial-adjust anti-backlash brake; main gear and pinion gear of Manganese Bronze; optional check; gear ratio 2 1/2 : 1 . Weight 836 grams. CAST-WAY logo and  REG DSN  APP. FOR molded in crank sideplate -c. 1950. Extremely rare with box and user guide sheet.

CAST - WAY MAJOR (wide drum) Light Game Reel  (C 4)

1-Cast - Way vintage Light game fishing reel
2-Cast - Way vintage Light game fishing reel
4-Cast - Way vintage Light game fishing reel
3-Cast - Way vintage Light game fishing reel

CAST-WAY MAJOR revolving drum multiplying Light Game reel.

Nickle plated brass saddle (reel seat); bakelite end plates diameter 4''; bakelite drum (spool)  spindle supported by 2 sealed ball bearings, width of bakelite drum 2 3/4"; counterbalanced crank handle; burgundy erinoid bulbous handle; star drag wheel clutches; crank handle spindle end play adjusted by two knurled nuts; three quick take-apart screws; knock-on lever operated free spool; dial-adjust anti-backlash brake; main gear and pinion gear of Manganese Bronze; optional check; gear ratio 2 1/2: 1.

Weight 848 grams. CAST-WAY logo and  REG DSN  APP. FOR molded in crank sideplate -c. 1950.  Rare.


1-ERSKIN vintage surf casting overhead fishing reel
2-ERSKIN vintage surf casting overhead fishing reel
3-ERSKIN vintage surf casting overhead fishing reel
4-ERSKIN vintage surf casting overhead fishing reel

ERSKIN revolving drum multiplier, (Modeled on the Ocean City Inductor). maker Sides & Skinner, West Brunswick, Vic, die makers, and manufacturing engineers. Chrome plated frame, bakelite end-plates, and drum (spool); gear ratio 3: 1; knock-on free spool lever; magnetic brake; star drag; eriniod torpedo handle; counterbalanced crank; optional check; quick take-apart screws; diameter 2 3/4''; drum (spool) width 2 1/8 ". ERSKIN SURFCASTER MAGNETIC moulded in back endplate, ERSKIN MADE IN AUSTRALIA moulded in front end-plate -c. 1950. Extremely rare. 


1-FORRESTA SPECIAL overhead fishing reel image & specifications
2-FORRESTA vintage overhead fishing reel
3-FORRESTA vintage overhead fishing reel
1-FORRESTA vintage fishing reel internal specfications
2-FORRESTA vintage fishing reel spool
1-FORRESTA vintage fishing reel Anglers Digest advertisement

FORRESTA SPECIAL revolving drum multiplier. A product of Halcyon Products Pty. Ltd, Sydney and Newcastle - c. 1956.

Nickle plated body. Lever-operated free spool; optional check; anti-backlash regulator; maroon bakelite torpedo handle; nickel-plated brass counterweight crank. Body width 3 1/8’’; Backplate diameter 3’’; aluminium drum (spool) width 2 5/8’’; nickel-plated brass crossbars (pillars); manganese bronze spindle bearings; knurled nickel-plated brass spindle end float adjustment cap; bronze main helical gear; hardened steel helical pinion gear; gear ratio 2 1/2: 1; FORRESTA SPECIAL  stamped on the back end plate. Weight: 470 gr. Rare.  "This was the reel with which Bob Conaghan of Halcyon Products hoped to "knock off" his arch-rival Ken Bennett. With its free spool lever, knurled anti-backlash adjustment, and raised gear housing the FORRESTA certainly looked more like Bennett's GRAEME than Halcyon's SURFMASTER Bob Dunn, AFR issue No. 2, F6.


1-HOLLOW SPOOL revolving drum overhead vintage fishing reel made in Australia
2-HOLLOW SPOOL revolving drum overhead vintage fishing reel made in Australia
3-HOLLOW SPOOL revolving drum overhead vintage fishing reel made in Australia
4-HOLLOW SPOOL revolving drum overhead vintage fishing reel made in Australia
5-HOLLOW SPOOL revolving drum overhead vintage fishing reel made in Australia

Hollow spool revolving drum multiplier, Cutcher & McLardy, Warners Bay NSW. One piece tubular aluminuim alloy construction; polished aluminium frame; Greene anodised threaded removable end plate rings (take apart) diameter 3 1/4"; body width 3 3/8" ; drum (spool) width 2 3/16" ; helical phosphor bronze main gear; hardened steel helical pinion gear; gear ratio 3 : 1; optional check; knock-on free spool lever; twin torpedo erinoid handles; aluminum crank. HOLLOW SPOOL PAT PEND stamped on back end plate -c 1950. Extremely rare.

The unique feature of this reel is the hollow and extremely shallow spool which gives the reel its name. The spool is strengthened against spreading under nylon line pressure, not only by its shallow depth but also by the twelve castellations used to join each flange to the spool.


In 1949 the KALUA revolving drum multiplier was created in Sydney by Manly Casting & Surf Angling Club member George Philip. Philip later sold his business to John Stevenson at S & S Engineering, who redesigned the reel and continued its manufacturing during the 1950s.


An interesting observation regarding the KAULA is the end float nut bearing adjustment, and it is also evident that level-wind mechanisms are interchangeable with the GRAEME. It is not clear, however, if there was an arrangement with Bennett Engineering to use some KALUA parts for their GRAEME production, or if Philip and later S & S Engineering had arrangements with Bennett Engineering to use some GRAEME parts for the Kalua manufacture, or if either simply copied various components for their respective reels.

The KALUA  internal mechanism was of a high engineering standard. Unfortunately, the bakelite end plates were highly prone to cracking or breakage if dropped, and in a worst-case scenario, the metal pillar-supported frame became distorted and/or misaligned, thus causing the level-wind mechanism to seize or jam. Because of these design weaknesses, and the limited production of the KALUA during the 1950s, the reel today is very hard to find in a completely undamaged working order. All up, there were 7 different KALUA models produced: The Philip Kalua minor; the Standard, and a level-wind version; followed by the S & S Engineering redesigned level-wind models: Superflex 850;  Kalua 900; Kalua 1000; and a non-level-wind model option. The KALUA bakelite end plates came in these colour options: Black (most common), Maroon, and Brown.

This KALUA segment below features detailed images with technical specifications covering all 8 different models produced
(Ladd, B. 2/10/2021).

1-KALUA 900 vintage fishing reel advertisement
2-KALUA vintage fishing reel advertisement
3-KALUA vintage fishing worm pliers advertisement

KALUA  Minor first model (K 8)

1-KALUA vintage fishing reel first model
3-KALUA vintage fishing reel first model
2-KALUA vintage fishing reel first model
4-KALUA vintage fishing reel first model internal mechanism

Kalua revolving drum multiplier maker George Philip, Manly NSW.

Alumium alloy body; Adjustable Anti-backlash screw; twin black erinoid handles; nickel-plated brass crank; nickel-plated brass pillars; screw-mounted nickel-plated brass saddle (foot). Manganese bronze bearings; phosphor bronze main gear; hardened steel pinion gear; gear ratio 4 : 1; diameter 3''; aluminium drum (spool width 1 1/2''; spool play (end float) adjusted by brass knurled bearing nut on front and back plate. Kalua Casting Reel engraved on the front plate (crank handle side) -c the late 1940s. Extremely rare.

KALUA Level Wind first model (K 9)

2-KALUA vintage level line fishing reel, maker George Philips
1-KALUA vintage level line fishing reel, maker George Philips

     Kalua revolving drum multiplier maker George Philip, Manly NSW.

"Chrome-plated brass end plates, aluminium alloy spool, free spool lever, level wind (missing), counterbalanced handle, anti-backlash on each end plate, gear ratio 3 : 1 diameter 3 1/4'', spool width 1 7/8''. Maker Geo Philip engraved on far end plate, Kalua Level Wind Reel engraved on near end plate -c. 1950.

This appears to be the prototype for the reel later made by S & S Engineering after they bought the business from George Philip" from Bob Dunn's AFR book page 125.

KALUA Wide drum first model (K 10)

3-Kalua vintage fishing reel inscribed  G. Philip Manly
2-Kalua vintage fishing reel inscribed  G. Philip Manly
1-Kalua vintage fishing reel inscribed  G. Philip Manly

Kalua revolving drum multiplier maker George Philip, Manly NSW. Alumium alloy body; Adjustable Anti-backlash screw; twin black erinoid handles; nickel-plated brass crank; nickel-plated brass pillars; screw-mounted brass saddle (foot). Manganese bronze bearings; phosphor bronze main gear; hardened steel pinion gear; gear ratio 4 : 1; diameter 3''; aluminium drum (spool width 2''; spool play (end float) adjusted by nickel plated brass knurled bearing nut on front and back plate. Kalua Casting Reel engraved on front plate (crank handle side) G. Philip Manly engraved on the back plate -c the late 1940s. Extremely rare.

KALUA Superflex 850  - knurled counterweight (K 11)

1-KALUA 850 vintage fishing reel made in Australia
2-KALUA 850 vintage fishing reel made in Australia
3-KALUA 850 vintage fishing reel made in Australia

Kalua revolving drum multiplier maker S & S Engineering, Brookvale NSW. Black bakelite side plates; optional check button; lever-operated free spool; floating level line wind; non-reversing star drag; counterbalanced crank, erinoid torpedo handle; nickel-plated brass crank; nickel-plated brass pillars; pillar mounted nickel plated brass saddle (foot). Manganese bronze bearings; phosphor bronze main gear and level wind gears; silver steel pinon gear; gear ratio 4 : 1; front and backplate width  3 3/8''; nickel-plated bronze drum (spool width 1 7/8''; spool play (end float) adjusted by nickel plated brass knurled bearing nut on the backplate. Superflex "KALUA" 850 Made in Australia stamped on level wind shield (housing) -c  1950s. Scarce in original undamaged condition.

KALUA Superflex 850 - Graeme style counterweight crank-handle (K 12)

1-Kalua Superflex vintage overhead reel made in Australia
2-KALUA superflex 850 vintage fishing reel
3-KALUA Superflex 850 vintage overhead  reel
4-Kalua superflex 850 vintage overhead fishing reel

Specifications as KALUA Superflex 850 (K4) but fitted with the Graeme style counterweight crank-handle. Scarce in original condition.

KALUA  900 (K 13)

1-KALUA 900 vintage fishing reel with original box
2-KALUA 900 vintage fishing reel made in Australia
4-Kalua 900 vintage fishing reel
6-Kalua 900 vintage fishing reel internal mechanism
7-Kalua 900 vintage fishing reel  drum (spool)
5-Kalua 900 vintage fishing reel original box
2-KALUA 900 Brown bakelite vintage fishing reel
3-KALUA 900 Brown bakelite vintage fishing reel

Kalua revolving drum multiplier maker S & S Engineering, Brookvale NSW.

Black bakelite side plates ( also produced brown); optional check button; lever-operated free spool; floating level line wind with end float adjustment service cap; non-reversing star drag; counterbalanced crank, white erinoid torpedo handle; nickel-plated brass crank; nickel-plated brass pillars; pillar mounted nickel plated brass saddle (foot). Manganese bronze bearings; phosphor bronze main gear and level wind gears; silver steel pinon gear; gear ratio 4 : 1; front and back plate width  3 3/8''; Stainless steel drum (spool width 1 7/8''; spool play (end float) adjusted by nickel plated brass knurled bearing nut on the back plate. KALUA 900 Made in Australia stamped on level wind shield  (housing) -c  1950s. Very rare in un-damaged condition with original box.

KALUA 1000 wide drum (K 14)

1-KALUA 1000 vintage fishing reel made in Australia
2-Kalua 1000 vintage fishing reel
3-KALUA 1000 vintage fishing reel

Kalua revolving drum multiplier maker S & S Engineering, Brookvale NSW. Black bakelite side plates; optional check button; lever-operated free spool; floating level line wind with end float adjustment service cap; non-reversing star drag; counterbalanced crank, white erinoid torpedo handle; nickel-plated brass crank; nickel-plated brass pillars; pillar mounted nickel plated brass saddle (foot). Manganese bronze bearings; phosphor bronze main gear and level wind gears; silver steel pinon gear; gear ratio 4: 1; front and back plate width  3 3/8''; Stainless steel drum (spool width 2 3/8''; spool play (end float) adjusted by nickel plated brass knurled bearing nut on the back plate. KALUA 1000 Made in Australia stamped on level windshield (housing) -c  1950s. Very rare in near-mint un-damaged condition.

KALUA Standard Non - Level Wind  (K 15)

1-KALUA Non - level wind model vintage fishing reel
2-KALUA Non - level wind model vintage fishing reel made in Australia
3-KALUA Non - level wind model vintage fishing reel
4-KALUA Non - level wind model vintage fishing reel internal mechanism

Kalua revolving drum multiplier maker S & S Engineering, Brookvale NSW.

Black bakelite side plates; optional check button; lever-operated free spool; non-reversing star drag; counterbalanced crank, white erinoid torpedo handle; nickel-plated brass crank; nickel-plated brass pillars; pillar mounted nickel-plated brass saddle (foot). Manganese bronze bearings; phosphor bronze main gear and level wind gears; silver steel pinon gear; gear ratio 4 : 1; front and back plate width  3 3/8''; nickel-plated bronze drum (spool width 1 7/8''; nickel-plated knurled brass free spool adjustment brake on the back plate (see image 3). Several of these non-line guide reels have been sighted, but It's unclear if they were produced for competition casting or as a standard non-level wind option -c. 1950s. Very rare in original undamaged condition.

MEC Direct Wind Revolving Drum Reel. (M 16)

1-MEC vintage fishing reel specifications
2-MEC vintage fishing reel
4-MEC vintage fishing reel made in Australia
3-MEC vintage fishing reel drum (spool)

Made in Australia, maker unknown. Black bakelite side plate diameter 3 1/2''; drum sides 316 stainless steel; drum arbor gunmetal, width of drum (spool) 1 3/4; adjustable position saddle (foot) 316 stainless steel; optional check button; brass check cog;  drum-crank handle spindle brass; crank handle brass nickel plated; erinod handle knobs; spindle bearings brass; side-plate screws 316 stainless steel; pillars (cross bars) 316 stainless steel. Weight of the reel 348 grams. MEC moulded in backplate -c 1940s. Scarce.

MILES Star Drag Casting Reel  (Ms 17)

1-MILES rare vintage fishing reel made in Australia
2-MILES vintage fishing reel made in Australia
3-MILES vintage fishing reel made in Australia
4-MILES vintage fishing reel made in Australia
5-MILES vintage fishing reel made in Australia

Miles revolving drum multiplier maker W. Parsons, Yarraville VIC. Nickel-plated brass saddle (reel seat); ebonite end plates diameter 3 '' ; nickel-plated bronze drum (spool) width 2 "; counterbalanced crank; black erinoid torpedo handle;  non-reversing star drag; quick take-apart screws; knock-on lever operated free spool; Helical main gear and Helical pinion gear; optional check; gear ratio 2 1/4 : 1 . MILES inscribed on crank and on inside gear mechanism plate -c. 1949. Very rare in excellent original order.

OFFSHORE Casting Reel early 1/4'' Saddle Pillars  (0 18)

1-OFFSHORE vintage revolving drum multiplying fishing reel made in Australia
2-OFFSHORE vintage revolving drum multiplying fishing reel
3-OFFSHORE vintage revolving drum multiplying fishing reel made in Australia
5-OFFSHORE vintage revolving drum multiplying fishing reel
6-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel Box

OFFSHORE  revolving drum multiplier maker Emslie Tooling Pty Ltd, Caringbah NSW - c. 1947. According to the factory specification manual - made of aluminium alloy - anodised and polished to a hard surface. Lever-operated free spool; optional check; purple plastic-type handles; aluminium crank. Body width 2 1/4’’; Backplate diameter 3 1/8’’; drum (spool) width 1 5/8’’; early design 1/4’’ saddle mounting pillars; manganese bronze spindle bearings; knurled nickel plated brass spindle end float adjustment cap; 3/8 cap nut crank retaining nut; 3 knurled nickel plated brass closed ends thumb nut, for quick take apart; bronze main helical gear; hardened steel helical pinion gear; gear ration 3 1/4 : 1; OUT <—    —> IN  OFFSHORE MADE IN AUSTRALIA stamped on the front end plate. Weight: 280 gr. Scarce with early box.

OFFSHORE Casting Reel Later design 3/8'' Saddle Pillars  (0 19)

02-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel with box
01-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel with box
03-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel with box
1-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel with box later version
1-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel specifications
14-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel internal mechanism
07-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel Box
05-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel instrutions

OFFSHORE revolving drum multiplier maker Emslie Tooling Pty Ltd, Caringbah NSW - c. 1947. According to the factory specification manual - made of aluminium alloy - anodised and polished to a hard surface. Lever-operated free spool; optional check; green plastic-type handles; aluminium crank. Body width 2 1/4’’; Backplate diameter 3 1/8’’; drum (spool) width 1 5/8’’; later design 3/8’’ saddle mounting pillars; manganese bronze spindle bearings; knurled nickel plated brass spindle end float adjustment cap; 3/8 cap nut crank retaining nut; 3 knurled nickel plated brass closed ends thumb nut, for quick take apart; bronze main helical gear; hardened steel helical pinion gear; gear ratio 3 1/4 : 1 ;

 OUT <—    —> IN  OFFSHORE MADE IN AUSTRALIA stamped on the front end plate. Weight: 280 gr.  Scarce in mint condition with original box.

OFFSHORE Casting Reel  Braked Drum (0 20)

1-OFFSHORE vintage overhead, Braked Drum fishing reel
3-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel braked drum model
4-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel braked drum model
5-OFFSHORE vintage overhead fishing reel braked drum model
4-OFFSHORE vintage revolving drum multiplying fishing reel

OFFSHORE  revolving drum multiplier maker Emslie Tooling Pty Ltd, Caringbah NSW - c. 1947.

According to the factory specification manual - made of aluminium alloy - anodised and polished to a hard surface. Knurled cap screw adjustable wire - line drum (spool) anti-backlash brake; lever-operated free spool; optional check; Greene plastic-type handles; aluminium crank. Body width 2 1/4’’; Backplate diameter 3 1/8’’; drum (spool) width 1 5/8’’; later design 3/8’’ saddle mounting pillars; manganese bronze spindle bearings; knurled nickel plated brass spindle end float adjustment cap; 3/8 cap nut crank retaining nut; 3 knurled nickel plated brass closed ends thumb nut, for quick take apart; bronze main helical gear; hardened steel helical pinion gear; gear ratio 3 1/4 : 1; OUT <—    —> IN  OFFSHORE MADE IN AUSTRALIA stamped on the front end plate. Weight: 302 gr. Rare in complete working order.

TRUKAST Star Drag Surf Casting Reel  (T 21)

1-TRUKAST vintage star drag casting fishng reel  with box
3-TRUKAST vintage star drag casting fishng reel
4-TRUKAST vintage star drag casting fishng reel
5-TRUKAST vintage star drag casting fishng reel box

TRUKAST revolving drum multiplier maker L. G. Walters instrument maker Melbourne.

Chrome-plated die-cast saddle (reel seat); bakelite end plates diameter 3 1/4''; bakelite drum (spool) width 2 1/8"; counterbalanced crank; black erinoid bulbous handle; star drag; lever-operated free spool; Helical main gear and Helical pinion gear; optional check; gear ratio 2 : 1 . TRUKAST moulded in back end plate -c. 1952. Very rare in mint order with box.

TRUKAST Standard Surf Casting Reel  (T 22)

1-TRUKAST vintage standard casting  fishing reel
2-TRUKAST vintage standard casting  fishing reel
3-TRUKAST vintage standard casting  fishing reel
1-Trukast vintage surf fishing reel internal mechanism
2-Trukast vintage fishing reel bakelite drum - spool

TRUKAST revolving drum multiplier maker L. G. Walters instrument maker Melbourne.

Chrome-plated die-cast saddle (reel seat); bakelite end plates diameter 3 1/4''; bakelite drum (spool) width 2 1/8"; counterbalanced crank; black erinoid bulbous handle; lever-operated free spool; Helical main gear and Helical pinion gear; optional check; gear ratio 2 : 1 . TRUKAST moulded in back end plate -c. 1952. Rare to find undamaged.

WALPAR Standard Casting Reel  (W 23)

1-WALPAR vintage fishing reel made in Australia
2-WALPAR vintage fishing reel
3-WALPAR vintage fishing reel
4-WALPAR vintage fishing reel internal parts
5-WALPAR vintage fishing reel spool

WALPAR revolving drum multiplier maker W. Parsons, Yarraville Vic.

Nickle-plated brass saddle (reel seat); ebonite end plates diameter 3 1/16 ''; nickel-plated bronze drum (spool) width 2 1/4 "; counterbalanced crank; black erinoid torpedo handle; non-reversing star drag; quick take-apart screws; knock-on lever operated free spool; anti-backlash brake; Helical main gear and Helical pinion gear; optional check; gear ratio 2 1/4 : 1 . WALPAR  inscribed on the crank and on inside gear mechanism plate -c. 1949. Hard to find in excellent original order.

Quick Spool revolving drum multiplying baitcasting reel. (Early version) (Q 24)

1-Quick Spool vintage fishing reel
2-Quick Spool vintage fishing reel
3-Quick Spool vintage fishing reel internal mechanism

Quick Spool revolving drum multiplier, produced by Geoffrey Pomfret, Quick Spool Reel Co, Newcastle NSW, (reference, Bob Dunn AFR supplement guide No. 6 - November 1999). Brass side plates nickel plated, diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 5/16''; aluminium drum (spool) width 1 1/2''; bronze main gear; hardened steel pinion gear; gear ratio 3 1/2 : 1; round bar free spool lever; erinoid torpedo handle; optional check button; 2 quick take apart screws; pillars and saddle (foot) brass nickel plated. QUICK SPOOL REEL Co NEWCASTLE stamped on crank handle side plate -c. 1955. Rare,

Quick Spool Blue Anodised. (Later version) (Q 25)

1-Quick Spool blue anodised vintage fishing reel

Quick Spool Blue Anodised model.  Round bar free spool lever; twin black erinoid tapered handles; other components similar to Quick Spool Q3. Rare. Maker Geoffrey Pomfret, Newcastle NSW.

Quick Spool revolving drum multiplying baitcasting reel. (Later version) (Q 26)

1-Quick Spool brown anodised vintage fishing reel
2-Quick Spool vintage fishing reel brown anodised

Quick Spool revolving drum multiplier, maker Geoffrey Promfet, Quick Spool Reel Co, Newcastle NSW -c.1960. Aluminium side plates anodised dark brown, diameter 2 3/4''; body width 2 5/16''; aluminium drum (spool) width 1 1/2''; bronze main gear; hardened steel pinion gear; gear ratio 3 1/2 : 1; knob-plate free spool lever; twin aluminium tapered handles dark brown anodised; optional check button; 2 quick take apart screws; pillars and saddle (foot) brass nickel plated.QUICK SPOOL REEL Co NEWCASTLE stamped on crank handle side plate -c. 1960. Rare.

Ocean King Revolving Drum Multiplying Baitcaster. (O 27)

1-Ocean King collectable fishing reel
2-Ocean King vintage fishing reel
3-Ocean King collectable fishing reel
4-Ocean King collectable fishing reel gear housing
1-Ocean King collectable fishing reel spool

Revolving drum multiplying baitcasting fishing reel, maker Geoffrey Pomfret, Newcastle NSW. Chrome plated brass construction; free drum (spool) lever; anti-reverse lever; optional check; anti-backlash dial control; star drag clutch system; S-shaped crank handle with twin Teflon handle knobs; quick take apart screws; straight-cut brass main gear, manganese bronze pinion gear, ratio 4:1; drum (spool) width 2 1/8", spindle supported by two sealed ball bearing races; end plate (side) width 2 9/16''. OCEAN KING BAITCAST - 1,  A/B/ LASH,  2- RACES stamped on the back end plate, OCEAN KING OPT. DRAG stamped on the front endplate. Weight of reel 482 grams -c 1960. Extremely rare!  According to Bob Dunn, AFR issue No. 6, "Pomfret produced 2 dozen or so bait casters under the Ocean King name during the period from the late 1960s to the early 1970s".

Jack Harvey Revolving Drum Multiplying Baitcaster. (O 28)

Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel
Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel
Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel

Jack Harvey, Campsie, NSW designed and made Beach Comber, a light game reel, -c 1950. Specifications: Nickel plated Brass, Linen Bakelite. Linen reinforced bakelite back; side plate diameters 5 ''; brass nickel plated spool width 2 1/2 ''; gear ratio 2.5 : 1 star drag wheel; Free spool engage pin; optional check; cast brass nickel plated twin bar support reel seat; nickel plated metal crank arm; torpedo style wooden handle knob. Extremely Rare.

Jack Harvey Revolving Drum Multiplying Baitcaster. (O 29)

Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel
Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel
Jack Harvey vintage  fishing reel

Jack Harvey, Campsie, NSW designed and made 2/0 multiplying fishing reel, -c 1950. Specifications: Linen reinforced bakelite back; side plate -diameters 3 5/16''; brass nickel plated spool width 2''; gear ratio-2.5: 1; cast brass nickel plated twin bar support reel seat; nickel plated metal crank arm; torpedo style handle knob. Extremely Rare.

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