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Australian Vintage fishing reels, Alvey information, reference, at: page 62.

ALVEY Sidecast Antique Vintage Fishing Reels Reference Information, ReeLpedia® by Bernie Ladd 1/7/2017.

The first Alvey sidecast reels, featuring a V-slot turntable, were produced in the 1920s. These were followed by the Gem pivot turntable design. From 1938 to 1948, Alvey manufactured sidecast reels with the WEDGELOCK turntable design, which included a unique, patented cast-brass lever lock. However, due to the higher production costs of the Wedgelock, its production ceased in 1948. Alvey then introduced the more cost-effective Ferguson turntable design.

It took about a decade for Alvey to further improve the Ferguson turntable design. In 1953, Jack Alvey introduced a patented version featuring a stainless steel Lever Pivot Lock turntable. Five years later, in 1958, Kenneth Alvey patented another modification to the Ferguson design, this time incorporating a Pressed Lever configuration. In the early 1960s, Alvey reverted to the 1953 Jack Alvey Lever Pivot turntable, a design that has become the standard for sidecast fishing reels and is still used by Alvey today.

The Wedgelock Sidecast models produced by Charles Alvey & Son are highly sought after by collectors worldwide and are considered prized possessions by Alvey fishing reel enthusiasts.

Alvey fishing reel factory 1920.

Charles Alvey with a group of employees at the Alvey factory, 1920.

Alvey fishing reel pioneer  Charles Alvey

Charles Alvey, in 1936.

Jack Alvey, pictured fishing with his Alvey reel in 1962
Jack Alvey, fishing reel maker in 1962 with a catch of bream

Jack Alvey, in 1962

with fish caught using his Alvey reel

Alvey Fishing Reel Factory 1960

Charles Alvey & Son factory at St Lucia, Brisbane, in 1960.

Rare ALVEY Promation Poster circa 1940

Alvey advertising poster -c.1940.

Alvey 1950s cardboard  advertising poster

Alvey advertising poster -c. 1950.

Bruce Alvey with his Ron Dempster Award

Bruce Alvey at the Alvey Museum holding the Ron Dempster Award.

Alvey Metal and Wood Forked Line Guide Casting Fishing Reel models 1920-1940s.

ALVEY Metal and Wood 'High Neck' (Dyne) Sidecast Fishing Reel.

According to Bob Dunn in A.F.R. Supplement No. 3, the reel depicted below in image 1 and 2, are one of the first models produced by Alvey, c. 1920.

Alvey High Neck casting fishing reel circa 1920
Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel circa 1920
Alvey fishing reel Patent drawings for the Ferguson turntable
1-Alvey fishing reel turntable designs_e
Alvey casting fishing reel Ferguson turntable
Vintage Alvey casting fishing reel back plates

ALVEY Metal and Wood 'High Neck' V-Slot Turntable Sidecast Fishing Reel with Removable Forked Line Guide (Model A).  (Ay 7)

This ALVEY reel, known as the Model "A," was produced in 1925, with the casting supplied by Dyne & Co.

Alvey metal and wood high neck casting fishing reel circa 1925
Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel circa 1925
Alvey metal and wood high neck vintage casting fishing reel circa 1925

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 3/8”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak, width 2 1/8”. Rod Mount Seat (High neck saddle-foot): Cast gunmetal. Line Guide: Forked removable, cast gunmetal . Drum (spool) tension nut: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin Lathe turned ebonite. Features: Removable forked line guide, Australin silky oak wood, c. 1925. Note: Metal components nickel plated.  Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood V-Slot Sidecast Fishing Reel with Pinned Shaft Shroud and Retaining Spring Turntable.  (Ay 8)

Some early ALVEY models were available in polished metal or the more common nickel-plated finish. This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in polished (un-plated) brass, is rare.

1-Alvey wood and brass vintage casting fishing reel
2-Alvey wood and brass vintage fishing reel
3-Alvey wood and brass vintage fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Australian silky oak wood, diameter 4 5/16”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak, width 2 1/4”. Cross Back: Cast brass. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast brass. Drum (spool) tension nut: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Non-optional check model, c. 1930s. Note: Metal components un-plated. Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood V-Slot Sidecast Fishing Reel with Pinned Shaft Shroud and Retaining Spring Turntable.  (Ay 9)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in nickel plated brass, is rare to find in complete original condition.

Alvey V slot casting fishing reel
Alvey vintage V-Slot casting fishing reel
Alvey vintage casting fishing reel internal mechanism

​Specifications: Backplate: Australian silky oak wood, diameter 4 5/16”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak, width 2 1/4”. Cross Back: Cast brass, stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (T saddle-foot): Pressed brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast brass. Drum (spool) tension nut:: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Optional check model, c. 1930s. Note: Metal components nickel plated   Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Early Gem pivot Sidecast Fishing Reel.   (Ay 10)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in nickel plated brass, is rare to find in complete original condition.

1-Alvey wood and brass fishing reel specifications
Early Alvey Gem pivot casting fishing reel
Early Alvey casting reel internal view

​Specifications: Backplate: Australian silky oak wood, diameter 4 1/8”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak, width 1 7/8”. Cross Back: Cast brass, stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (saddle-foot): Pressed brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast brass. Drum (spool) tension nut: : Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) wood.  Features: Optional check button fitted on wood backplate, c. 1920s. Note: Metal components nickle plated  Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Gem pivot Deep Drum (Spool ) Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 11)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in nickel plated brass, is very hard to find in original near mint condition.

1-Alvey wood and brass Gem pivot side ca
4-Alvey wood and brass Gem pivot side cast fishing reel
2-Alvey wood and brass Gem pivot side cast fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Australian silky oak wood, diameter 4 1/18”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak, width 2 1/8”. Cross Back: Cast brass, stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (T saddle-foot): Pressed brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast brass. Drum (spool) tension nut:: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Optional check model, c. 1930s. Note: Metal components nickel plated Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood 'Lever Lock' Turntable Rim Levers Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 12)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced rim lever reel, crafted in brass and  Camphor laurel wood is rare.

1-ALVEY wood and brass Sea Drag Casting fishing reel specifications
2-ALVEY vinatge Sea Drag Casting fishing reel
3-ALVEY wood and brass Sea Drag Casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 5 1/12”. Drum (Spool): Metal backed Camphor laurel, width 2 1/2”. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): cast gunmetal Line Guide: Forked, cast gunmetal. Claw Drag Wheel and Crank Handle: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features:  Lever lock turntable, Off - On drag rim lever  and separate Off - On optional check lever, c. 1930s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Ferguson's Turntable Copper Lined Drum (Spool)  Edge Sidecast Fishing Reel. Model FP2  (Ay 13)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in brass and  wood is very hard to find in original condition.

Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel
Alvey model FP2 metal and wood casting reel
Alvey model FP2 metal and wood casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 3 7/8”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak Copper lined rim, width 2”. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast brass. Drum (spool) tension nut: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Copper band fitted over rim edge to prevent swelling of the wood, c. 1930s.  Note: Metal components nickel plated. Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Ferguson's Turntable 'Special  Log Drum Fishing Reel. Model FP2  (Ay 14)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in brass and  wood is very hard to find in original condition.

1-Alvey wood and metal vintage casting f
Alvey model FP2 metal and wood casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 9/16”. Drum (Spool): Brass-backed Australian silky oak, width 3”. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): pressed brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast gunmetal. Drum (spool) tension nut:cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Long drum (spool. Optional check pawl. Rear knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle. Turntable, stamped Ferguson’s Patent No. 14739/20, c. 1930. Note: Metal components nickel plated. Collectibility:  Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Sea Drag Casting Fishing Reel  Model FP5 (Un-Plated Option)  (Ay 15)

Some early ALVEY models were available in polished metal or the more common nickel-plated finish. This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in polished (un-plated) brass, is rare. According to the 1936 ALVEY catalog, the FP5 model was priced at 75/-.

Alvey model FP5 brass and wood casting fishing reel
Alvey model FP5 brass and wood casting fishing reel internal view
Alvey model FP5 brass and wood casting fishing reel backplate

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast brass, diameter 5 1/2”. Drum (Spool): Brass-backed Australian silky oak, width 2 1/2”. Rod Mount Seat (T saddle-foot): Cast brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast brass. Claw drag wheel and crank handle: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) Australian silky oak wood. Features: Cam operated anti-reverse pawl, optional check pawl. Knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle and drag parts. Turntable, stamped Ferguson’s Patent No. 14739/20, c. 1936. Note: Metal components polished brass. Collectibility: Very rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Sea Drag Casting Fishing Reel Model FP6   (Ay 16)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in cast gunmetal; and Teak wood, is rare. According to the 1936 ALVEY catalog, the FP6 model was priced at 55/-.

Alvey metal and wood model FP6 casting fishing reel
Alvey metal and wood model FP6 casting fishing reel
Alvey metal and wood model FP6 vintage casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4  5/16”. Drum (Spool): Brass-backed Teak, width 2 1/2”. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Cast gunmetal. Line Guide: Forked, cast gunmetal. Claw drag wheel and crank handle: cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Cam operated anti-reverse pawl, optional check pawl. Turntable, stamped Ferguson’s Patent No. 14739/20, c. 1936.

Note: Metal components nickel plated. Collectibility: Very rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Gem Pivot Casting Fishing Reel. (Un-Plated Option)  (Ay 17)

Some early ALVEY models were available in polished metal or the more common nickel-plated finish. This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in polished (un-plated) brass, is rare.

Alvey Gem Pivot Brass and wood casting fishing reel
2-ALVEY brass wood vintage casting fishing reel
Alvey Gem Pivot Brass and wood casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast brass, diameter 4 3/8”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak, width 2 3/8”. Rod Mount Seat (T saddle-foot): Cast brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Backplate shoulder stamped ALVEY. Optional check pawl. Rear knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle, c. 1930. Note: Metal components polished brass. Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Ferguson's Turntable Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 18)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in gunmetal nickel plated, and Australian silky oak is hard to find in original condition.

Alvey metal and wood sidecast fishing reel
Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel
Alvey metal and wood sidecast fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 5/16”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak, width 2 1/4”. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed brass. Line Guide: Forked, cast gunmetal. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Optional check pawl. Features:  New design larger grease cup, c. 1930s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.  Collectibility: Hard to find.

ALVEY Bakelite and Wood Gem Pivot 'Special' Log Drum Sidecast Fishing Reel.   (Ay 19)

This authentic ALVEY reel, made from Bakelite and wood, is exceptionally rare to find in its original condition. It was only available for a short time due to a design flaw in the metal Gem pivot base embedded in the Bakelite backplate. This flaw made the reel prone to breakage when dropped or used for heavy-duty angling. As a result, undamaged examples are extremely scarce, making this particular model highly collectible.

Alvey rare Bakelite and wood vintage casting fishing reel
Alvey rare Bakelite and wood casting fishing reel
Alvey rare Bakelite and wood casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Bakelite, diameter 4 1/12”. Drum (Spool): Australian silky oak, width 3 1/4”. Rod Mount Seat (T saddle-foot): cast gunmetal. Line Guide: Forked, cast gunmetal. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Long drum (spool. Optional check pawl. Rear early style knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle. Features: The long drum spool was designed to enhance long-distance casting, particularly in the Tweed Heads area of Northern New South Wales, around 1940.

 Note: Metal components are nickel-plated. Collectibility: Very rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Dual Ace Sidecast Fishing Reel.   (Ay 20)

According to Bob Dunn in A.F.R. Supplement No. 4, this particular reel was introduced by Alvey to allow use of the ACE model as either Nottingham or sidecast. Production commenced about 1938-39 and continued up to 1945. During the war copper was used for the backs due to shortage of gunmetal.

2-Alvey Dual Ace casting fishing reel
1-Alvey Dual ace casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled copper, diameter 4 3/4”. Drum (Spool): Australian cedar, width 1 1/2”.

Cast gunmetal Y back: Stamped Pat No 2174/39, featuring a turntable curved leaf spring stamped "Dual ALVEY Ace". Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed metal. Line Guide: Forked, cast gunmetal. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Optional check pawl, c. 1939. Note: Metal components were originally nickle nickel -plated.  Collectibility: Very rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Ferguson's Turntable Sidecast 6 inch Fishing Reel.  (Ay 21) 

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced reel, crafted in gunmetal nickel plated, and camphor laurel wood is very hard to find in original condition.

1-Alvey 6 inch metal and wood casting fishing reel
2-Alvey 6 inch metal and wood casting fishing reel
3-Alvey 6 inch metal and wood casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 6 1/18”. Drum (Spool): Camphor laurel, width 2 1/4”. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): cast gunmetal. Line Guide: Forked, cast gunmetal. Semi-claw drag wheel and crank handle: cast gunmetal. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Hexagonal check pawl button.. Features:  New design larger grease cup. Camphor laurel wood, c. 1930s-1940s.

  Note: Metal components nickel plated.  Collectibility: Rare.

Alvey Metal and Wood Single Line Guide models 1940s -1960s. ( Work in progress)

ALVEY Metal and Wood Ferguson's Turntable Single Line Guide  Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 22) .

1-Alvey metal and wood casting fishing r
Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast metal, diameter 3 3/4”. Drum (Spool): Camphor laurel, width 2". Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed brass. Line Guide: Single, cast metal. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Optional check pawl, c. 1950s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.  Collectibility: Hard to find.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Counterbalanced Crank Rim Levers Single line guide Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 23)

Alvey metal and wodd Rim Lever casting fishing reel
Alvey metal and wood Rim Lever casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled Stainless steel, diameter 4  5/16”. Drum (Spool): Brass backed Camphor laurel, width 2 3/8”. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): pressed brass. Line Guide: single, brass. Star Drag Wheel and counterbalanced crank handle: Cast brass. Handle Knob: Elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features:  Lever lock turntable, Off - On drag rim lever  and separate Off - On optional check lever, c. 1950s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Cast Gunmetal Y back Single line guide Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 24)

Alvey Y back casting fishing reel
Alvey Y back specifications

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled stainless steel, diameter 4 3/4”.

Cast gunmetal Y back. Drum (Spool): Silky oak, width 2 1/8". Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed brass, stainless steel Lever pivot turntable lock. Line Guide: Single, brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Optional check pawl, c. 1950s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.  Collectibility: Hard to find.

ALVEY Metal and Wood model 550/C4 Single line guide Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 25)

1-Alvey model 550/C4 casting fishing reel
Alvey model 550/C4 casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled Stainless steel, diameter   5 9/16”. Drum (Spool): Brass backed Camphor laurel, width 2 1/2”. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Turntable leaf spring: Stamped 550 / C4. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): pressed brass. Line Guide: single, brass. Star Drag Wheel and counterbalanced crank handle: Cast brass. Handle Knob: Elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features:  Off - On drag (Anti-reverse) button and separate Off - On Ratchet (Optional check) button, c. 1950s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility: Hard to find.

ALVEY Metal and Wood  Anti-reverse and Optional Check Single line guide Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 26)

Alvey model 550/C4 casting fishing reel
Alvey model 550/C4 casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled Stainless steel, diameter   5 9/16”. Drum (Spool): Brass backed Camphor laurel, width 2 1/2”. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Turntable leaf spring: Not stamped. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): pressed brass. Line Guide: single, brass. Star Drag Wheel and counterbalanced crank handle: Cast brass. Handle Knob: Elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features:  Off - On drag (Anti-reverse) button and separate Off - On Ratchet (Optional check) button, c. 1950s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility: Hard to find.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Rim Lever Larger Single line guide Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 27)

Alvey metal and wood 7 inch size casting fishing reel
Alvey metal and wood 7 inch size casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 5 1/2”. Drum (Spool): Brass-backed camphor laurel, width 2 5/8”. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Cast gunmetal. Line Guide: Single, brass. Claw drag wheel and crank handle: cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features:  Off - On drag (Anti-reverse) lever and separate Off - On Ratchet (Optional check) lever. Larger  5 1/2" diameter line guide, c. 1940s.Note: Metal components nickel plated. Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Cast Pressed Crank Single line guide Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 28)

1-Alvey wood guide

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 5/16”. Drum (Spool): Camphor laurel, width 2 3/8”. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): pressed brass. Line Guide: Single, brass. Crank handle: Pressed brass. Semi claw drag wheel: cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite, c. 1950s. Note: Metal components nickel plated. Collectibility: Hard to find.

ALVEY Metal and Wood D-Shaped Single Line Guide Sidecast Fishing Reel (Ay 29)

Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel
Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled stainless steel, 5 1/2" diameter, stamped "ALVEY". Drum (Spool): Silky oak, width 2". Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed brass, with stainless steel Lever pivot turntable lock. Line Guide: D -shaped, single, brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: D- shaped line guide. Optional check pawl, c. 1950s. Note: The backplate is made of 316-grade rolled stainless steel, with other metal components nickel-plated. Collectibility: Rare.

Alvey metal and wood vintage casting fishing reel
Alvey metal and wood vintage casting fishing reel

ALVEY Metal and Wood Model 700 / A3 / 7  Sidecast Fishing Reel (Ay 30)

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled stainless steel, 7 3/8" diameter. Drum (Spool): Australian red cedar, width 2". Turntable leaf spring: Stamped 700 / A3 / 7. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed brass. Line Guide:  Single, brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Optional check pawl, c. 1950s.

Note: The backplate is made of 316-grade rolled stainless steel, with other metal components nickel-plated. Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Ball Bearing  Sidecast Fishing Reel (Ay 31)

Alvey metal and wood ball bearing casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled stainless steel,  diameter n/a. Drum (Spool): Camphor laurel, width n/a. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Cast gunmetal. Line Guide: Single, brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Spindle supported ball bearings. Optional check pawl, c. 1940s. Note: The backplate is made of 316-grade rolled stainless steel, with other metal components nickel-plated. Collectibility: Rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Sidecast Fishing Reel (Ay 32)

Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel
2-Alvey metal and wood casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 3/8”. Cast gunmetal Y back. Drum (Spool): Wood, width 2 1/2”. Rod Mount Seat (saddle): pressed brass. Line Guide: Single, brass. Crank handle: Pressed brass. Semi claw drag wheel: cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite, c. 1950s. Features: Later (Bigger) style rear grease cup. Note: Metal components nickel plated. Collectibility: Hard to find.

ALVEY Metal and Wood Model 400 / A3  Sidecast Fishing Reel (Ay 33)

Alvey model 400 A3 metal and wood casting fishing reel
Alvey model 400 / A3 wooden casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Rolled stainless steel, 4" diameter. Drum (Spool): Australian red cedar, width 1 3/4". Turntable leaf spring: Stamped 400 / A3 . Rod Mount Seat (saddle): Pressed brass with stainless steel Lever pivot turntable lock. Line Guide:  Single, brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Optional check pawl, c. 1960. Note: The backplate is made of 316-grade rolled stainless steel, with other metal components chrome-plated. Blue Alvey decal on backplate.  Collectibility: Hard to find in original condition.

Alvey Wedgelock Forked Line Guide Casting Fishing Reel models.

ALVEY Metal and Wood 'Wedgelock' Turntable Rim Levers Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 34)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced Wedgelock rim lever reel, crafted in gunmetal, brass  and Australian silky oak wood is very rare.

1-ALVEY Wedgelock Rim lever casting fishing reel
Alvey rare vintage Wedgelock rim lever casting fishing reel
2-Alvey Rare Wedgelock Rim Lever casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 3/8”. Drum (Spool): Brass backed silky oak, width 2 3/8”. Turntable : Wedgelock Turntable with forked line guide: Cast gunmetal. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Claw drag wheel, crank handle and knurled tension screw: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Off - On drag rim lever  and separate Off - On optional check lever, early style rear knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle, c. 1930s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility: very rare.

ALVEY Bakelite and Metal 'Wedgelock'  Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 35)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced Wedgelock  reel, crafted in bakelite, gunmetal and brass is very hard to find in original condition.

Alvey Wedgelock vintage casting fishing reel
Alvey Wedgelock casting fishing reel internal mechanism
Alvey Wedgelock vintage casting fishing reel
Alvey Wedgelock casting fishing reel
Alvey vintage fishing reel Wedgelock turntable

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 3/8”. Drum (Spool): Bakelite, width 2 3/8”; Reg No. 11675 Molded in drum. Turntable : Wedgelock Turntable with forked line guide: Cast gunmetal. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Semi-claw drag wheel, Crank Handle and knurled tension screw: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Optional check pawl. Early style rear knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle, c. 1938. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility:  Hard to find.

ALVEY Metal and Wood 'Wedgelock' Turntable Anti-reverse Optional Check Sidecast Fishing Reel.  (Ay 36)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced Wedgelock crafted in gunmetal, brass and Australian silky oak wood is very rare.

2-ALVEY wedgelock vitage casting fishing reel
3-ALVEY Rare Wedgelock vintage casting fishing reel
Alvey Wedgelock casting fishing reel
ALVEY Rare Wedgelock vintage side cast fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 3/8”. Drum (Spool): Brass backed silky oak, width 2 1/4”. Turntable : Wedgelock Turntable with forked line guide: Cast gunmetal. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Claw drag wheel, crank handle and knurled tension screw: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) wood. Features: Cam operated anti-reverse pawl, optional check pawl, later style rear knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle, c. 1930s. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility: very rare.

ALVEY Metal and Wood 'Wedgelock' Turntable Sidecast Direct Wind Fishing Reel.  (Ay 37)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced Wedgelock  reel, crafted in gunmetal, brass and camphor laurel wood is hard to find in original condition..

Alvey Wedgelock metal and wood casting fishing reel
Alvey Wedgelock metal and wood casting fishing reel
Alvey Wedgelock vintage casting fishing reel
Alvey Wedgelock Camphor laurel drum and forked line guide view

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 3/8”. Drum (Spool): Camphor laurel, width 2 3/8”. Turntable : Wedgelock Turntable with forked line guide: Cast gunmetal. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Drum (Spool) spring tension nut: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite - direct wind. Features: Camphor laurel wood. Optional check pawl. Early style rear knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle, c. 1938. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility:  Hard to find.

ALVEY Bakelite and Metal 'Wedgelock' Turntable Sidecast Direct Wind Fishing Reel.  (Ay 38)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced Wedgelock  reel, crafted in gunmetal, brass and camphor laurel wood is hard to find in original condition.

1-Alvey Wedgelock bakelite casting fishing reel
2-Alvey Wedgelock bakelite vintage casting fishing reel
Alvey Wedgelock Bakelite and metal casting fishing reel
Alvey Wedgelock metal backplate casting fishing reel
ALVEY wedgelock Bakelite and metal casting fishing reel

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 3/8”. Drum (Spool): Bakelite, width 2 3/8”. Turntable : Wedgelock Turntable with forked line guide: Cast gunmetal. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Drum (Spool) spring tension nut: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite - direct wind. Features: Optional check pawl. Early style rear knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle, c. 1938. Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility:  Hard to find.

ALVEY Bakelite and Metal 'Wedgelock' Turntable Sidecast  Fishing Reel.  (Ay 39)

This genuine ALVEY factory-produced Wedgelock  reel, crafted in gunmetal, brass and bakelite is hard to find in original condition..

1-ALVEY wedgelock casting fishing reel
2-ALVEY rare wedgelock Flat crank casting fishing reel
3-ALVEY wedgelock Flat crancasting fishing reel internal view

​Specifications: Backplate: Cast gunmetal, diameter 4 3/8”. Drum (Spool): Bakelite, width 2 3/8”. Turntable : Wedgelock Turntable with forked line guide: Cast gunmetal. Backplate: Stamped ALVEY. Semi-claw drag wheel, pressed brass Crank Handle and knurled tension screw: Cast brass. Handle Knobs: Twin elongated (tapered) bakelite. Features: Hexagonal check pawl button. Early style rear knurled grease cup provides lubrication to the spindle, c. 1940.  Note: Metal components nickel plated.   Collectibility:  Hard to find.

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